

After the queen's explanation she let us walk around the city and explore the palace. Of course, many of my classmates decided to explore the city right away.

I wanted to explore the palace a bit more. I never got to truly see the palace in all its glory, its massive structure took almost forever to get around.

Its interior was nothing like our old world I don't know if it's because I've never seen anything quite like it in the old world.

Amazing right.

O-oh, queen sorry for being here I'll just take my leave right now.

No, it's fine sometimes it gets quite lonely so having you all here is fine. Sometimes I wonder what I did in my past life to get to be in such an amazing position.

Don't you ever feel the pressure of being the Queen of such a vast and amazing kingdom. I know if I was the king I would break down under pressure.

It's always hard but I do it for the people. Sometimes I want to run away and live a barbaric life, but I remember what my past ancestors had to do to make the kingdom into a respectable place.

Respectable huh. I wonder if I'll be able to do that for myself in this world. I wonder how my family is doing back home?

I decided to visit the city. Many of the people in the city were wearing cloaks that hid their faces with rope around their waists to hold their cloaks together.

The people around me looked at me weirdly due to my outfit being different than theirs and they wondered where I'm from. Another kingdom? Were the other kingdoms that advanced compared to them?

Soon they realized that I'm a hero from another world and started looking at me with awe. Some looked like they wanted to ask for my autograph, but they looked shy. I can't blame them I would be the same.

I decided to go and get meat skewers but just as I got them, I forgot I had no money on me. Just as I was about to leave the vender decided to give me the meat skewer for free, he said since I was a hero, I should get them at a discount but it's only free this time next time I'll have to bring money to pay him.

After walking around the city for about another hour I had to head back to the palace. It's getting late. When I made my way to the palace a knight was waiting outside telling us where are rooms would be. My room was located towards the servant's section.

It was dirty but it was better than my living situation in my old world. I loved my parents, but we were poor, dirt poor.

Sometimes my parents would struggle to put food on the table. I would sometimes have to pick up extra shifts at my job. But I didn't care if I could help any way possible, I was happy.

I should go to sleep now, it's best to wake up early tomorrow.

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Good morning hero's today we'll begin training today but first I'll come around and check your stats to check your stats you'll need to say status check.

As everyone checks their states their eyes become wide shocked at the spectacle in front of their eyes. I was even surprised that this is exactly like a video game.

Whoa cool!


What the fuck is this!

To no one's shock the royals got the best stats according to the general Brad, Sarah and Jeffrey had states out of this world not even the previous generation of hero's had states like this.

Alright next is John I'll need to hear your stats.



AGE: 17







HP: 1,000

MP: 2,000

STR: 100

SPD: 80



LUCK: 100



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Hmm alright nice now I want to hear your skills.

My skills?

Yes, your skills. Is there something wrong with that?

N-no of course.

I don't know if it's the best decision to tell him these skills of mine. After all, the titles of these skills sound weird. Gods' authority and instant death sound insanely powerful.

I need them now. We have others waiting.

Ok my skills are Tsunami and fire charge.

OK next is Chet.

After we finish our evaluations the general forces us to run around the castle 25 times. Not even halfway through the first lap I feel my legs burning up. Fuck I got to start jogging more.

The nerds and the fat slobs of the class had already stopped panting, and some were coughing blood. While the jocks were doing fine some were even talking to each other.

Around 3 hours later I was done with my 25 laps. It wasn't because I was slow that I took a long time to finish it was because the castle was massive, and we had to run around it 25 fucking times.

When I had finished Ms. Castillo was already finished. I think she said that she was a former track star in high school.

Next up, without a single break the general made us spare one another. I went up against one of the nerds in our class. He was a short kid with glasses who would always interrupt others in our old world. Sometimes I think he does it to just piss others off for fun.

I easily knocked him out, I punched him hard enough in the face that his glasses broke. He was crying and rolling around in pain.

After everyone finished sparring with one another we continued with wrestling and then after wrestling the general told us to run around the castle 10 more times.

This continued for 1 week. The general determined that we needed to increase the number of laps to 30 it hurt but you must power through it.

We had to do this until the pain became bearable. If we didn't then we would be killed because we were wasting their time and resources.

When checking my states my stamina and speed had increased. My stamina went up from 100 to 110 and my speed went from 80 to 90.

It seems that running can help increase the speed and stamina of a person. While anything that requires physical contact with another person can help increase the strength of someone. As my strength increased from 100 to 105.

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Another thing I have learned from the general is that the more you level up the harder it's to increase your stats.

According to the general the heroes will be doing a dungeon raid in a month to test our abilities on actual monsters.

It's best if I work out more often to get my abilities up so I'm prepared for the horrors that wait outside. I won't lie I'm a little scared, but I must do it to survive.