
episode 6

(The episode opens with Hirashima making breakfast in the kitchen with kids sitting around a small table)

A girl: Is he an angel?

Hirashima (puts a table in front of the girl): No, just a person that wants to help

A boy: Then, no eggs, please

(Hirashima takes the eggs away)

The girl: I'll take the eggs

(Hirashima gives the eggs to the girl)

Girl #2 (looking at her breakfast) (smiles): He made hash browns too

(Everybody is eating breakfast)

(The screen switches to Hirashima sewing dresses for girls)

(A girl who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing rags named Sophia)

(Hirashima gives Sophia a red dress)

Sophia (hugs Hirashima): Thank you! Thank you!

(Another girl has long black hair, blue eyes, white skin, wearing rags named Lilia)

(Hirashima gives a blue dress with white stripes to Lilia)

A voice: Hirashima

(Hirashima runs at super speed)

(Hirashima ends up in a room with a boy who has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, black pants, and white shoes named Allen)

(Allen has a cut on his finger)

Hirashima: It's okay, I'm here

Allen (shocked): That fast

(Hirashima takes Allen's finger and puts his glowing hand over it)

(Allen's finger is healed)

Allen: Thank you, I just expect you to bandage it

Hirashima: Nah, this way is faster, plus (makes a lollipop appear)

Allen (takes the lollipop): Thank you, (licks the lollipop) how did you know?

Hirashima: Just a hunch

(The screen shows Hirashima cleaning the windows, vacuuming in the kitchen and living room, cleaning the dishes and cleaning the table with multi-purpose)

(Hirashima mops all around the house, then dries it)

The kids (seeing the clean house): Oh!

Hirashima: Don't worry, Onishi, the kids love me and this is actually fun and to think I used to hate cleaning, but having powers makes it more awesome plus seeing those kids faces

(The kids are by the stairs hearing Hirashima)

Onishi: Well, I'm glad everything is going well

Hirashima: Me too

Sophia: So, he isn't doing this for money

Allen: With those powers, as if, he could own a company with his power

(Hirashima smiles and giggles)

Lilia: He could have super hearing

(The kids run upstairs)

Hirashima: How cute

(Hirashima looks around the house at super speed and smiles)

(Hirashima is playing a tuba, which makes the kids come out of their rooms)

(They gathered in the living room)

(Hirashima turns into an elephant)

(The kids are riding on the elephant)

(The kids are being given chocolate chip cookies as well)

(Hirashima changes into his normal self with extended arms and juggles the kids)

(Hirashima's tail turns into a slide)

(The kids go down the slide)

The kids: Best day ever!

(Hirashima's tail turn into a bounce house)

(The kids are bouncing)

(The kids are given high fives)

(The screen shows the kids in bathing suit)

(Hirashima's tail turns into a water slide)

(The kids is sliding down with smiles on their faces)

(Hirashima's tail turns into multiple pogo sticks and the kids are playing on them)

(The screen switches to the kids eating dinner and dessert)

(Hirashima is eating pudding too)

(Hirashima cleans the rooms)

(The screen shows Hirashima waves goodbye to the kids that has an adult woman who has red hair, white skin, wearing a teal dress and heels named Yamur)

(Episode ends with Hirashima walking away)