
episode 5

(The episode opens with Hirashima giving jewelry to people at a stand)

Hirashima: Have a lovely day

Onishi: Necklace or bracelet

A woman: Bracelet

Onishi: Ten

Woman: Okay (hands the money to Onishi) this is cheaper than I expected

Onishi (gives the bracelet to the woman): We don't want to bleed people dry of their money

(The woman walks away)

(The screen shows Hirashima takes a bunch of trash out of trash bins)

(The end of Hirashima's tail becomes a giant trash can)

(Hirashima is dumping trash into dumpster and his tail was holding the trash)

(The screen switches to Hirashima facing a farmer)

The farmer: I mean you can try, but that soil doesn't help them grow

Hirashima: Alright

(Hirashima put seeds in the ground)

(Crops start to grow)

(The farmer looks impressed)

(Hirashima is cleaning the pigs)

(The pig lick Hirashima and he is laughing)

(Hirashima is cleaning the horses)

(Hirashima is clearing the clouds)

(Hirashima giving hay to the horses)

(Hirashima is picking out the vegetables)

(The farmer shake hands with Hirashima)

(Episode ends)