
Episode 11

(The episode opens with a mysterious person slicing a monster screaming in pain)

(A small bunny monster is lying dead)

(A fox monster is hanging dead from a tree)

(The screen shows the mysterious person smiling)

The person: What's on the list next, oh

(The screen shows Hirashima and Onishi walking around, while eating churros)

A man: Monster!

(A bunch of people are running)

(Hirashima's tail is up)

(Hirashima runs in the opposite direction the people are and turns into a dog)

(Onishi runs after Hirashima)

(Hirashima ends up in the woods)

(A monster with Four doe-eyed eyes, a big nose, shallow mouth, long canines, small tongue, wide round ears sit on each side of its short, thin head, which itself is covered in coarse hair, Its small brawny body is hunched over. Two thick arms hang at its sides and end in graceful hands with thin fingers, each with normal nails . Its legs are wide and are bent, each ending in small feet inspect their surroundings from their huge sockets. A big nose rests below, but it's the shallow mouth below that takes all the attention. A shy smile reveals two long canines and a small tongue.Wide round ears are shown)

(Onishi looked shocked)

Hirashima: Oh, Onishi, it's okay, it's friendly

Onishi (freaked out): That is friendly

(The monster screams)

Hirashima: No, he just misunderstands you

Onishi (curious): What? What did he say?

Hirashima: He thinks you are afraid and are going to sell him out

Onishi: Sell him out to who

Hirashima: That is a good question

(An arrow nearly hits Hirashima but hits a tree)

The hunter: Stay away from my prey

(The monster screams in fear and runs away)

Hirashima: Wait, come back.

(The hunter has purple hair, wearing a black outfit and a hat on, runs into the woods after the monster)

Hirashima: We have to save that creature

Onishi: Good luck

(Hirashima looks angry and runs at super speed)

A voice: He will be in danger, if you leave him alone.

Onishi: Are you kidding, if I get in the middle of that, that arrow could hit me no way

(Lightning nearly hit him)

Onishi: Fine

(Onishi runs off)

(The screen shows Hirashima catching up to the hunter)

(The hunter starts shooting arrows at Hirashima)

(Hirashima dodges the hunter's arrows)

The hunter: What do you want?

(Hirashima stops in front of the hunter)

Hirashima: Don't hunt innocent creatures

The hunter: You should have stopped me earlier

(Hirashima's eyes glow green and sees the monster lying dead on the ground)

(Hirashima looked shocked)

The hunter: Like it

(Hirashima looks at the hunter with red eyes)

The hunter: Those eyes aren't human

Hirashima: How (demonic voice) (tackles the hunter) observant

(The hunter stabs Hirashima with his dagger from his pocket)

(Hirashima screams in pain)

Onishi (running in the forest): Hirashima!

(The hunter tries to fight Hirashima with arrows again)

(Hirashima burns the arrows with his fire)

The hunter: What are you?

Hirashima (red eyes): Your doom

(The hunter shoots a silver arrow)

(Hirashima spits the arrow with acid from his mouth)

(The hunter looked shocked)

(Hirashima released a sonic scream that knocked the hunter out)

(Hirashima takes all of the hunter's weapons)

(The screen shows more hunters)

(Onishi meets Hirashima)

Hirashima: There's more of them and don't worry he's not dead, just knocked out.

Onishi: If you ever scare me like that again, you are going to spend time alone

Hirashima: Sorry, he had to dealt with him

Onishi: Why does revenge look so hot on you?

Hirashima (smirks): It does

Onishi: Don't flatter yourself

Hirashima: Let's just get those other hunters.

(Hirashima catches another hunter by a net)

(Onishi frees a deer-like monster that has stripes and cute face)

(Hirashima captures a female hunter)

(Onishi frees a polka dot monster with cute faces)

(The episode ends with all the monsters free and the hunters)