

It was a pretty intimidating and Imposing ship that sacrificed all stealthiness in favor of fear. It was a bulky red and black, in the anime the red wasn't emphasized enough. Still the smoke expelled by the ships wasn't a concern cause the air here is so fresh. Anyway everyone starting panicking and shuffling about. The kids went into the homes while the adult women got into battle positions along with sokka while katara was kept behind the lines. I just stayed where I was ready for battle.

The ship stopped near the tribe and a military man with a square face shouted." Where Is the airbender?! Surrender him and you shall live. If not then, DIE!!!" He sent out a massive ball of fire to the tribesmen and it was going to burn them when a blast of air from my own staff neutralized it. The eyes of zhao naturally fell on me.

"I will come with you peacefully if you agree to spare this tribe. It's not like they have any benders, they are just civilians." My voice was compassionate and caring cause you know, I need to be known as kind and not monstrous.

" Hhaah I will become the right hand man of fire lord ozai with your capture" he was almost like a giddy kid just not as cute.

"Oh all this cause you wanna suck up to your master. I feel bad for such a poor lord that his officers are gay. Is that why he sent you here to the poles instead of inside the fire nation." They may be the fire nation but I am the avatar. If anyone can burn someone it's me.

He nearly exploded right then and there. He immediately launched towards me with his fist on fire." Oh is the little girl angry? Don't worry you can just ask your daddy to get that boy to like you." He got even more furious and the fire on fist started growing and by the time he reached me the fire on his fist was almost a feet wide.

I pushed both my hands out and commanded a great amount of air straight into his guts. I then proceeded to make a throat grabbing motion and all of a sudden Zhao started gasping for air.

"I may be on the side of the peaceful monks but don't for a second think that I am one of them."

I let go of his throat and walked into the ramp he came from." Aren't you gonna arrest me and get him a medic. What are you morons waiting for? Do you want a sign on my head that

I walked into the prison area and started meditating, the soldiers were confused about whose orders to follow but in the end they chose to follow my orders and they got zhao to a medic while zuko was training. Zuko meanwhile was laughing his ass of while iroh was also smiling. The fact that a nomadic monk had beaten the shit out of zhao was now a fact within the confines of this ship. Of course katara was worried but you need to learn that some times sacrifices are necessary.

The shifting momentum of the ship alerted me to the fact that we had started meaning. Also what is it with all the zzzz's in the royal family. oZai,Zuko,aZula,soZin,aZulon,iZumi. Only iroh managed to dodge this trend. I mean are you guys sleeping or something. Anyway the food was better than I expected but I didn't touch it and instead opt to stay in a meditative pose for the entire time. It wasn't long cause you know...

By my count it has been around 30 minutes since we started moving. My bending training has been inverted, as I am focused on making my air energy denser and more like a blade of wind then a gentle caress. Of course I had tried to go into a spiritual state A bit I had failed for some reason, it is most likely related to the fact that this isn't my body and that my spirit is that of the avatar but not aangs.

That is the most likely explanation followed by my emotional state being different but that isn't likely. Still it had been 30 minutes since we started moving when I heard the sound of metal doors being opened up and I see sokka and katara standing in front of me with his arm out stretched.

"I guess I judged you to early. Wanna escape??" My smile must have crossed the boundaries of my face when I said "wynaut?"

"Come on we snuck in and we gotta leave."

"No we can't. If we leave they will check in the tribe. We have to escape and make it known that we are escaping to ba sing se.""

Why will we go to omashu? And why would we tell them?"

" We aren't actually going to ba sing se but we need to leave a false trail. Also I have a mission for which I need to travel to the other water tribe for reasons. Also we can allow katara to learn water bending there while you can be trained in hand-to-hand combat along with weapon combat."

"Sure we were gonna leave anyway. If not me then katara definitely would have left. I guess I judged you a bit harshly but when will you tell us this 'secret'"." I guess I will tell you later when we leave. First we need to leave, we can talk and strategize later. Also I am grounding you later for breaking out"

"What I am 15 and as such immune from grounding."sokka is 15 years old huh. He doesn't seem that old in the show in both physical and mental maturity." Doesn't matter. We need to break out right now. We should leave via the tunneling. That will make our escape visible but only after we escape."

"Sokka I want you on the rear. Katara I want you to connect to the water in the air and feel out any soldiers. I know this is a hard task. But I believe in you. You guys escape that way.." katara seemed very worried and said" what about you? How are you gonna escape.."" with a bang" hahahaha. Ozai better get his ass ready for a smacking