
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Chapter 19: C-Rank?

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 19: C-Rank?



After that oh-so-blissful day of rest, we were back at it, but this time we only did the obstacle course and had missions afterward. We made up for the lack of missions these past two weeks by taking two to four missions every day, depending on how much time each took. We did this for about a week and then Kakashi had us all spar for four hours while vertical.

The. Entire. Damn. Time.

We still did missions every day, however it was just one or two at the most. I sent clones to the other girls to check how they were doing and spend time with them when I was busy. They weren't happy I wasn't there myself, but they'd heard about Kakashi's training from their own sensei, so they didn't complain too much about it.

Ayame simply said that she just wanted me to work hard and be safe. She's an angel I tell ya.

A few days ago I also learned from Sakura that Kakashi had gotten Kurenai Yūhi, Hinata's sensei, to make a beginner's guide to illusions so that she could read it on her own time, along with getting her the beginning steps to becoming a medic-nin from the current head of the hospital. 

I told her that the same day we started taking missions was the day I started having about 100 or so clones training my wind affinity and chakra control. Thanks to that I could now infuse my wind element into almost any ninja tool I used with no issues. I also mentioned offhandedly that Kakashi had also caught me training my wind-element, and gave me two techniques to train. Gale Palm, and Great Breakthrough that I practiced on my own time after team training and missions.

Sasuke mentioned that she was training her fire-affinity at home and making strides into better understanding her ocular powers. She was rather pleased with her progress by the sounds of it.

Anyway, today we were getting the Tora mission, and we all know how this song and dance goes. I took a look at my team's stats to see where we were at, and I was more than pleased by our recent increase in power and ability.

Sakura caught up to mine and Sasuke's level before we even began sparring, and eventually overtook us in level, since for her fighting us meant leveling up. It didn't translate quite the same in mine or Sasuke's direction. She wasn't stronger than either of us, of course, but she wasn't completely helpless either.

Funnily enough, I was the lowest level out of the three but I was the strongest overall.

[Player | Lv18 - DS: 17,200/ CP: 21,400/ STR: 200/ AGI: 185/ VIT: 250/ INT: 170/ SNC: 155]

[Sasuke | Lv19 - DS: 7,000/ CP: 10,700/ STR: 144/ AGI: 225/ VIT: 125/ INT: 130/ SNC: 154]

[Sakura | Lv20 - DS: 5,300/ CP: 6,900/ STR: 125/ AGI: 145/ VIT: 135/ INT: 290/ SNC: 240]

Still, the fact that Sakura had higher chakra INT than basically anyone else on the planet was a huge perk to both her and the team. Now that she's properly training and gaining skills and a fair bit of muscle she looks every bit the proper kunoichi she should be. I was happy for her and often did simple gestures to show her how happy I was for her. I was hoping being in Wave would mean time to relax a bit, but I wasn't holding my breath.

This Kakashi is a slavedriver.


A little over a few days into our trip to Wave we were confronted by the Demon Brothers. I wish I could say that I handled the situation and left everybody in awe of my skill, but the fact was that Sakura stole the spotlight this time.

The goons hadn't even gotten to undo their puddle disguises before she trapped them in one of Kurenai's signature techniques, the Tree Binding Death, and had them both poisoned with a mixture Ino wanted her to try out on the field. That thing was atrocious. I loved it.

Soon enough the two dead men spilled their guts, figuratively and literally. Their bodies became pale and they began vomiting uncontrollably until they'd emptied their stomachs entirely, dying in the process. Kakashi told Sakura to never use that poison again and that he'd be having a talk with Inoichi and the Third about this unholy abomination of a poison.

Sasuke asked her for a sample after the fact and I couldn't help but think that she was slowly lowering her barriers more and more. Tazuna nearly vomited himself to death at the sight, though thankfully he stayed with us and we were able to continue our trip.


"Hey, Naruto?" I heard Sakura whisper in my ear.

"Yeah?" I responded, my senses still open and alert for the coming ambush.

"Do you... think we could talk later? If things don't get too hectic?" I noticed she seemed hesitant but shrugged it off as a probably way too troublesome thing to worry about before a battle and promptly chose to ignore it until after the battle.

"Sure. But we've got company so stay alert." I advised.


"I know... it seems we have more ninja to deal with..." Kakashi seemed to be more alert than I thought he would be.

"Get down!" He shouted and we all hit the dirt, making sure to drag Tazuna down before he got cleaved.

[Objective - Defeat Jonin Zabuza Momochi.

Conditions - Use fūma shuriken at least once.

Fail conditions - Tazuna killed, Team member Killed, Player killed

Difficulty - B Rank

Rewards - Level+2, Reputation+400 with all party members, Boyfriend Dialogue with Sakura Unlocked] 

[Zabuza | Lv80 - DS: 22,400/ CP: 22,400]

"So... Zabuza Momochi, you're the jonin sent after the bridge builder, then?" Kakashi began his pre-battle banter and I signaled Sasuke and Sakura to get ready for anything.

Kakashi showed off his eye and Sasuke grew giddy at seeing what she could learn with her own eyes active. I swear, sometimes she's more girl than she thinks.

Zabuza jumped off the tree and landed on the water surface near the edge of the lake and activated his Hidden Mist Jutsu. I know Sasuke was copying it so I would be asking her to teach it to me and Sakura later; might come in handy.

Sakura also looked starry-eyed at the technique, wanting to see if she could replicate it somehow later on. Bunch of nerds I turned these two into, haha.

Zabuza began his scare tactic, making Tazuna grow even more nervous. I signaled to my team to make sure to grab Tazuna and book it the first chance of danger.

Sure enough, Zabuza appeared in the middle of our formation and Sasuke and Sakura jumped from out of the bushes and dragged Tazuna off to the side. I took the chance to stab Zabuza and substitute with an exploding clone before the real Zabuza tried to chop me in half. He was caught off guard by the destructive explosion and sent careening towards Kakashi who had him in a check-mate. 

Zabuza started to talk about how impressed he was with our coordination, but before he surprised an overconfident Kakashi, I threw I fūma shuriken in his direction; interrupting his surprise attack.

Sakura used a quick illusion to make the shuriken larger than it was and I chose to capitalize on that tactic. As Zabuza made to dodge I went through hand signs and activated the shuriken giant body technique, forcing Zabuza to try to deflect the giant projectile or risk getting shredded, since Sakura had layered a second illusion, making it seem like there were more than one.

Somehow, Zabuza successfully deflected the attack and made to continue his assault. Sasuke rushed him from the side and kicked him back towards the land where he was in position for my wind/fire collaboration with Sasuke. 

"Wind Style:/ Fire Style: Great Fire Devastation!" 

Zabuza was sent flying upwards towards the water, his body suffering minor burns. This meant we destroyed his Damage Shield and he was now vulnerable to damage from Kakashi's attacks. 

Those team bonuses must be no joke, holy shit.

Kakashi took it from there and after a quick but impressive bout of taijutsu, the battle took a turn for the impressive when Zabuza attempted to use the Water Dragon Jutsu. But by this point Kakashi had put him under the Sharingan's illusion, making him lose confidence and trust in his agency during the battle. 

Zabuza went for broke but faltered at the last moment, allowing Kakashi to use his own Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu against him, ending the battle. Much like in the original, Zabuza escaped via Haku and we took Tazuna and an exhausted Kakashi to the old man's house.

I decided it was time for me to finally take a look at those bonuses.