
Wrapping Up

What we saw in Mandor was nothing compared to this.

Gold bars, gold coins, jewelry, and gold statues lay in abundance.

The room containing all the treasures was about twenty meters by twenty meters.

There must have been a few tons' worth of gold inside.

"We're rich!" Bobby shouted victoriously.

"Don't celebrate too early," I said as I carefully investigated for any traps in the room.

The team waited as I slowly went through the room, looking for anything suspicious.

A depression that wasn't supposed to be there or any devices that would trigger some movements.

There weren't any, and I gave the team a thumbs-up to proceed.

Bobby couldn't wait; he shouted and dived into the pile of gold coins.


He reappeared again, lying in the pile of gold as if he was in a swimming pool.

Everyone "tsked" at him and shook their heads.