
My Life as a Female Alpha

LittleLost_Otaku · ファンタジー
1 Chs

My Life as a Female Alpha

Waking up is always a pain for me. The raging hormones in my body make me hot and riled up before I even realise the time.

"Ugh do I need this constant reminder"

It's not like I'm bothered by being an alpha, it's just the looks of confusion from the guys that bother me. The females however...




I stare at my omega friend with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you see that group of omegas look at you! They look so confused with themselves! Probably didn't expect you to be an alpha" my small friend chuckled, covering her grin with her hand. We always hang out together here, her alpha owns the place. A cute little cafe by the train station, not far from the apartment blocks in town. We don't live in a city, or the countryside, it's more like an in-between. A town with plenty of people but located in the mountains, surrounded by woodlands.

"It's not like you didn't have the same reaction when you first met me" I said with a smirk.

The girls laughter came to a sudden stop as she noticed the strong intimidating scent surrounding us.

A blush arrived quickly on her pale face as she pointed out;

"A-are you?"

I looked towards her, puzzled at her reaction. I expected some embarrassment but this seems different.

"Woah, what's with your reaction?" I sat up quickly, a little confused at my friends expression. She looked oddly serious, something she only did when... oh crap.

"Right, time to go"

I jumped to my feet and grabbed my friends arm in one hand and the rest of her drink in the other.

I can tell when an omega is going into heat, I must have accidentally triggered it.

"Jen where are we going, what are you doing" she huffed. She looked like she was losing it. I better hurry.

"Sal, you need to take a breath, just trust me and try and walk straight we're almost there"

Hey! This is my first attempt at trying to publish a story, please let me know what you think of it!

LittleLost_Otakucreators' thoughts