

"It all started with a guy in zebra stripes print t shirt at the airport that made me lose my phone and now I fell in love!" travelling to LA for the summer Break had been Faye's dream for quite a long time and when she thought she finally had a chance she is forced to go New York, and to make things worse she had to stay with her aunt, when she finally thought of making her stay good she encounters her next door neighbor whom she fell in love with at first sight, hiding her feelings she tries to be friends with him but things got harder as he didn't seem to harbour any kind of friendly feelings towards her, would she achieve her goal in this one month summer Break?, or would she end up regretting her stay in New york

Joycepen · 若者
6 Chs

Chapter 3 (☆^ー^☆)

Hi guys, I'm so sorry for the delay, but thank y'all for the views and reviews, they all brought smiles to my face, so I'm announcing the top 5 fans for the last episode if your name is here, it's a shout out to you, love y'all.

These are the signs,

1: ⚜️🎉King top fan, reviews, add to library, follow and first to view!

2: 🎀Cutest and most funniest fan, reviews add support, love you!

3: 🌼Bright fan, always updated, reviews and vote, love you!

4: 🤝 Thank you so much I appreciate you, reviews and vote!

5: 🤜🤛Coolfan, reviews and vote, love you!

Shout out to my top fans!!! Yay!!!

Top 1:⚜️🎉

Top 2:🎀

Top 3: 🌼

Top 4:🤝

Top 5:🤜🤛

Pls note that the top fans would be announced from the beginning of every chapter, love you!


"I don't know what you are doing or thinking...and also I don't wanna know, it's just that I can't watch you get drenched in this rain, you might catch a cold and....I live very nearby, so I can run, and.... you don't have to thank me...", He said and handed me the umbrella's handle, I held it and he ran past me with speed.

I turned slowly and stared as he ran in the rain with his hoodie, and that was how it started...



I rolled over and over on the bed as I pondered over and over how good a guy I was going to turn into a meme looked like, and by the way, he was wearing a zebra prints stripes t shirt before but now he had a zebra prints stripes hoodie on?, Is he obsessed with zebra's or what?.

Whatever that was, I don't care, and one more thing funny how he paid my bad with good, I made fun of him and he helped me when I needed it the most, he was my savior in the time of danger.

" Hey catch this", Coral said and barged into the room, with a paper bag, she threw it on the bed, standing by the door, I took the bag and opened it, and ta-da!, A phone, an iPhone 15 I unboxed it and it was nice.

"can you thank her for me? please?", I said and Coral smirked,

"who?", She asked and I sighed,

"your Mom, Aunt Jane", I said and she frowned.

"So I need to thank her for something I did?", She said and I gasped,

"no way!, An iPhone 15?", That's crazy, no way you could afford this", I said and she frowned,

"is that what you think?....excuse me! this is my hard earned money, you've got to appreciate it", Coral said with a smile and I nodded.

"Thank you but I don't see any reason why you should get me this, like I don't deserve your hard earned money, and seriously I don't want it", I said and she smiled and and walked to me sitting on my bed.

"I know we didn't have great memories but I wish we can push that aside and think of a future with both of us in it, let's create a world where both of us are needed, and I promise to amend my errors, and let's be friends like we were at 7",

Coral said and the number 7 made me recall we actually had some good memories, then we both had the same dream but not until she moved to new York, whenever she came for holidays she never had my time since her new step dad was stinkingly rich and got her an apple tablet.

She probably made new friends and judging by the way she decided not to speak to me anymore unless she wanted to annoy me, for absolutely no reason, at first I thought I offended her and was patient so I went to apologize to her, that was when I knew she literally just hated me for no reason, I never imagined her to use the word hate, but she threw it in my face.

Not long after my mom died, and just when I needed someone to comfort me, she mocked me and called me names, but I didn't hate her, I thought she had her issues and I was getting in her way, so I thought giving her space was what she needed, then, the rain was all I had as I got myself drenched, but then,there was this boy, whose life seemed to be nearly perfect, who held up an umbrella for me, for absolutely no reason, and that was how I got my first love, but now, the guy in zebra print hoodie reminded me of that little boy.

But wait a minute, how did we get here?, I thought I was thinking about Coral, how did I get to zebra prints?, "Faye!, Are you listening? To me", Coral patted me and jolted me back to reality,

"yeah!, Yeah!, I heard you, I wasn't all mad at you, I actually thought you needed space and that you had your reasons", I said with a sigh.

"I did have my reasons but they weren't good enough to hurt you and put you in a bad position, then my dad left us, my mom remarried and didn't pay attention to me, my step dad showered me with gift but on the inside I was sad, my mom gave birth, and diverted all her attention to the twin, she treated me invisible and whenever she turned to me, she bought me expensive things, I needed someone to cuddle with me and show me warmth but you weren't there, I was selfish, I only thought about myself, I didn't think about the problems you had, I thought I was the only one with problems, I was sad, I was childish, if only I knew you had bigger problems, and I'm sorry", she said and finally, I was right, she did have problems.

"I'm sorry too, how did you get over it?",

I asked and Coral sighed with a smile and funny enough she did have a good ending, "uhmm... you know, there's this guy, he lives nextdoor, and he introduced me to the New York elite club, and there I made new friends, and me and this guy came home together, and we grew up together...and I ended up liking him, that's it..... what about you?, How did you get over it?", Coral asked and I laughed inwardly at the thought that some boy actually showed up in our lives.

"Funny enough... some boy showed up", I said and Coral stared, "you too?!", Coral screamed and we both bursted out laughing,

"that is so funny, like this was planned, like destiny said some guy was bound to show up for both of us", Coral said and we bursted out laughing again.

"Okay now that everything is back to normal.... uhmm how about I show you around new York?", Coral said and finally it was time to make my stay good, "yup!", "But first!, Take this phone and let's go get some fun!!!!!", Coral screamed and yes she's childish.


We surfed the whole street and it wasn't really fun, but I tried all kind of new delicacies but to be honest it was interesting, we walked home hands full and I decided to ask Coral about the zebra prints stripes guy.

"Uhmm Coral?, Does anyone live nextdoor to us?, I asked and Coral nodded with a questioning look,

"a couple actually", Coral said and I was surprised, "do they have a kid?", I asked and Coral smiled and shaked her head,

"no, just a couple... or no their neice lives with them", Coral said and finally we were getting close.

"Is he a tall, blonde haired, ocean eyes, siren eyed, guy who is obsessed with zebra's!?!!", I said sort of like screaming and Coral looked wierd,

"you didn't have to give a detailed information though!, You just arrived yesterday how do you know about the guy next door?!, Faye!, Girl!", Coral❤️(corrections, thanks Aria), exclaimed and funny enough the fact that Zebra savior lived nextdoor was true.

"Uhmm....I just saw him briefly at the airport and saw him enter the apartment next to yours, we had a kind of slim....uhmmmm, misunderstanding", I said and Coral smirked,

"what!, You guys talked?, You like him?, What's going on!, C'mon don't leave me in the dark!",

"No!, We didn't meet, I just saw him, nothing else, and I wondered why he was obsessed with zebra's", I lied and Coral sighed.

"Thank goodness!", Coral sighed and I didn't understand,


"Uhmm he's not obsessed with zebras, his dad is running for a position in the government so he started an association with the uniform so he's forced to wear it, and lastly, he's the guy I told you about....my crush!", "What!!!! I said and then it dawned on me....my feelings were impossible!.



Later that evening,

I decided to return his umbrella and also a chance to see him, and probably get his number, but I didn't tell Coral about it since I lied about not meeting him, I put the umbrella in a paper bag, and headed out when the coast was clear.

I walked to his apartment and adored his place, he had flower pots all over and zebra stripes clothes dried on the line, his place was beautiful and quite neat and larger than my aunt's.

I walked to his door and pressed the bell button, I presses it twice and I heard footsteps, he opened the door slightly and Stared at me like he had never seen me before.

"I didn't order anything", he said staring at the paper bag with me,

"Uhmm.....I came to return your umbrella...", I said and he just stared with his left eyebrows up,

"uhmm I..... you gave it to me earlier in the rain", I said and he stretched his hands and opened his palm, I gave it to him and he inspected it and stared,

"if you ever need anything from me I live next..... door", he slammed the door before I completed my sentence.

"I was hoping to have your contact", I said hoping he wouldn't hear me as I walked back to our apartment.

on getting out of his apartment lobby I met Coral on the way, "oh!, You startled me, Faye",

"what are you doing here..... Coral?", I asked breathlessly as my heartbeat raced faster.

"I came to return Nathan's book, but what are you doing here?!!"... Fuck!.

Thanks for reading!!!!




"Coral Stone & Sky millennium, Barbie Tunnel & Diana Trainor, Ariana Gomez & Christian Anthony, Nathan Seattle....and hey, new girl, Faye join the team", Mr Lopez, said and I was Startled, getting paired with Nathan caused confusion and the class went cacaphonus, as I buried my head in the locker.

+++bonus point+++

Love y'all ❤️

More love from joycepen 😘

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