
The Last Journey

An adventurer went on his last journey throughout the continent. In his long journey he learned many things from many kinds of people he met. When he went to the castle the king said "I may have people and treasure. I also have power and knowledge. But I can't have freedom like yourself". The crown prince also said "I got everything I want. Knowledge, money, and companions. But I don't have someone who can be called a friend that see me as who I am". The adventurer realizes that everyone has their own problem that can't be easily solved.

On his way to the next city, he met with a party. The leader said to him "My friends trust me with their lives. They support me every day. But other than each other we have nothing. No family, no place to stay, no goals. And we still make it up until now". One of the members then continued saying "We are adventurers. Even though we are commoners and has no power in political matters, we will do anything to make everyone smile" their party's knight then said "Yes, we are stupid. Yes, we are poor. And yes, no one praises our job. But it's not a reason to end all of our memories". For a few days they went together. They eat, hunt monsters, and sleep together. Then the day came, in the 19th days they parted their ways.

As the Adventurer arrived in the city, he met a merchant. "I'm smart. I learned many things. I got money from selling things. People may see me as someone with many connections, but my daily life is full of danger. Because of envy, other merchants will kill even their best friend to get profit". The adventurer then proceeds to the adventurer's guild. The guild master told him "If only I trusted my friend. If only I train more. If only I had talent. I could still be an adventurer. I pay for my clumsiness and stubbornness with one of my arms and eyes. Something this small can make you lose everything you have. Reputation, dreams, and hope". 

After finishing his business in the adventurer's guild, he went to the market. There he met with a little boy. "Last week was my 9th birthday. I don't have a family. I don't have friends. As a slave all I got is my Master, dark past, and trauma. But if I keep smiling and forget all bad things, I won't end up like the other slaves. When they cry, I follow orders. When they sleep, I work as an assassin. When they eat, I get punished. But when they die, I can stay alive. My master said that slaves with no values will get eliminated instantly". It seems like that slave has many things to say, but his master comes to take him. The Master then said, "I save many orphans. I taught them, trained them, and fed them. But as a member of one of the Maequess family, I must not be nice or it will be my weakness. That's why I use the slaves with no values to be my toys". As he bought supplies for his journey, he heard a beautiful voice. That voice came from a bar. Two steps in and he saw a beautiful woman. After the song finished, he went to the singer. That beautiful singer said to him "Mesmerized by my beauty, adventurer? If not then I guess I have to try better. I may have the looks and talent. I may have popularity and money. With what I have, I try my best so people who heard my songs will feel happy and have a little hope". 

He stayed in that city. In his 16th days, he went to the neighbouring kingdom. On the border he met with the knight. "I'm a knight. My duty is to protect the border. Many people left the kingdom each day. All the nobles don't care about us. We don't have power like the King and nobles, but if we unite we can change this kingdom. We have many chances to do it, but we are more scared when our family got in danger because of what we did". In his way to the inn, he met an elf. The elf talks to the adventurer "We are not like you humans. We believe in the forest's spirits, and you believe in God and Goddess. We live in the woods, and you live in the city. We live as an equal, and you live with your own rank. We live long, you only live less than a hundred years. I may have other things to say about our differences, but it will only waste your precious time. So, I will excuse myself now".

The adventurer's last destination is the neighbouring kingdom's castle. In the castle he talked to the King, "Your highness, I am very sorry for the sudden visit. I have come here to finish my job, but please do tell me what you have as the King?" The King answered "Everything in this kingdom is mine. The land, the people, the treasures. All of that is mine. But it's mine to develop, lead, and protect. They may see me as a tyrant lord, but if I become weak then they will lose everything". After hearing this the adventurer responded "I have received your answer and I understand everything you said. Then my duty as an adventurer has come to an end, but I still have another duty. This is not because someone told me, but because of my own belief". After saying that, he rushed to the king stabbing him with a cursed sword. "My other duty is to kill you. By killing you then my Lord will finally awaken. He who was once defeated by the heroes will rule the world. I, Crawford, the right hand of the Demon King, have done the job that you gave to me, My Lord".




"I have a Lord. When you people treat me like an animal, he treats me with love and kindness. When you people give me trauma, he gives me knowledge. He's not just taught me about the black and white of this world, but also the grey side. He taught me magic and sword skills. When you people gave me false hope, he gave me many despairful things that helped me to get up again. With his guidance I can have a life which I am happy to have. He was always by my side. Until you humans kill My Lord. I know not all humans are bad, My Lord says so too. But if 1% of bad people become the leader of the 99% good people, they will be stained too. And the duty that has been given to me by My Lord is to clean all trash and stains in this world until he awakens. A long journey has been finished right now. I may not meet My Lord again, but I believe that if I have another chance, I will search for him, even if it mean to be alone again".