
My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series

Having enough courage to run through the woods and away from the people who convinced me they were saving me was not how I believed I'd spend my day. Yet, there I went escaping from the only place I knew existed in the world. Being held captive was too much for me, especially when these people wouldn't tell me who they were or even who I was. The first moment in my life I recall very clearly. I awoke in a dark room, with recollection of everything that happened in the world except for one thing. I had no memory of myself existing, I didn't know where I was or why these men kept me from leaving. Days after I first woke I asked plenty of questions, and yet none of them were answered. The only thing I learned was that I was not allowed outside because the woods heald the most powerful magic on the planet, the most dangerous magic. It was more than just bad men and curiosity about the forest that got me to leave, it was a pull towards something; towards magic. Once I was in the forest turning back was never an option, so I put it in my head that I'd keep walking until I found a civilization or a nice paved road that would lead to safety. But that never happened because the forest has a force living through it. Believing that the forest held something strange was the easy part but experiencing it myself was something totally different. I didn't expect anything normal but I didn't expect to be completly engulfed into the forest. I was led by an unknown presence that made me truly believe it was a living being, and in fact it is. I was innocent then, but now I know that anything can be hidden under a small platform in the woods with a secret bigger than the world itself. I was given life that day, until it all ended months later; the day I took my last breath.

Emma_Stewart_6262 · 幻想
45 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One: Decapitation?

With my body suddenly not functioning properly in connection to my brain I'm fumbling at the sounds of a creature coming in our direction. Abe tells us we need to get out of here but with the amount of keys scattered all over the floor I can't find the right one to the last jail cell we need to unlock.

"We're not leaving anyone behind." Jane announces.

My eyes catch a glimpse of a key that is furthest away from me. I sigh of relief, thinking it's the only key I haven't touched yet. I flip it over, only to find it's not the right cell number after all.

Abe sounds panicked from the other end of the room, "What do you want me to do here?"

"Hold it off!" Jane instructs with a glare past me at Abe who's shutting the door.

With the two strangers marching in on us and instantly acting like they know the place I assumed they'd have everything handled. Now I'm not so dependent on Abe if he's acting so unsure. Another thought crossing my mind is why the two don't have back up. Maybe they have walked into a more serious manner than they originally imagined?

As I keep my eye on Abe, no sort of relief washes over me knowing the door is now shut. At the sound of the werewolf at the door I know better to assume it can't knock the door down. I also recall the sickening fear I felt when the Elyrian dogs first came to the estate.

It stars with this pit in my stomach...

Quickly my grandfather crosses my peripheral vision, he takes charge and picks out a key. The intriguing man doesn't bother to glance down to check at the number. He sticks the key into the lock while my curious mind questions what his power is again. It clicks open as the sounds of our angry enemy increases outside.

With the werewolf grunting and banging on the door, our last member of the group is freed. The sickening fear I recall comes back like it never left from hours ago. My body begins hyperventilating knowing I have a low chance of getting out of here.

Estelle and Lynn embrace each other, while I on the other hand am focused on the front door swinging free off its hinges and back into the daylight. The girls instantly scream, while Jane stumbles backwards into the wall.

Abe doesn't flee but instead slowly kneels and bows his head down to the furry figure, making peace for a few moments. It's black sphere eyes blink up and down, past him and only staring into my soul. Shivers run down my back and I can feel the hair on my neck stand up on end.

Without warning the monster leaps over Abe, who is still on a knee. It runs at me and within a second it's only inches from me. My ears perk, listening to everyone behind me cornering themselves into the back of the room.

The werewolf comes to a striking halt, making me flinch. I stumble backwards, recovering from the assumption it was going to collide with my patite body.

A thought comes to my mind, "Jane..."

I step backwards, practically being consumed by the sight that there is no exit behind me. The werewolf sneaks forward ever so slightly. I can just imagine the figure teasing me, ready to pounce. But the stillness makes me more uneasy. The werewolf only flinches at me once, like a dog ready to play; but this game is much more dangerous than with any sized Earthen dog.

Sounds of howls ring through the air, making me believe that more have come out to assist the lone wolf. Creeping four legged animals outside come from a distance, trying to sneak up on us but my ears win this time. The werewolf in front of me waits for me to make a move and all I do is whisper, "There's more..." I inhale deeply, "They're coming."

A second jump at me makes me back up into the cell door that we left ajar, it swings back at me with a creak and I trip; my ankle throbbing from the pain of the bashing. This causes the wolf to take my vulnerability to its advantage and knock me off my feet, falling to my knees in an attempt to regain my balance.

The canine knocks me on my back, tearing my shirt with its sharp claws and revealing part of my chest. This time I'm ready to fight trying to push the creature off me as Estelle is screaming from behind. The werewolf doesn't budge but I manage to kick it hard in the stomach, and roll myself over to cover my face. I'm smacked in the side by a heavy paw, unexpectantly being pinned against a cell door and the beast.

"Rain," I huff out. "Rain!"

The rest of the group in the room are all making their own decisions, acting in spite of only themselves and trying to fight their way past the creature to no avail. It swats and nips as them, all the while leaving pressure on my ribs making me unable to breathe.

With everything I have left to muster I take a much needed limpness to my body allowing it to ease its strain. I gather up as much decompression in my body that I can with a few seconds and then abruptly pound at the creature's ribcage above me.

My tactic does not cause the wolf to struggle or give me any more strength, but instead gives me proof of the incapability I have in fighting this massive monster. It's tension against me doesn't fail and it's endurance stays just as strong.

This time I call out in pain, seeing Estelle and Lynn moving past us. The girls begin fighting to the door but Abe prevents them, "There's more coming, we can't out run them."

"Jane! Make it rain!"

She stands with hesitation, looking down upon me right before the mongrel blocks my view with it's head. The animal's mouth opens, showing its razor sharp teeth as a threat. It growls with a moist breath against my face; the putrid stink of its saliva makes me gag.

I don't want to know what it's last meal was.

Within a second a thump is heard and I feel the a vibration of force through the growling menace. It loosens itself on me, giving me the opportunity to slide away as its head is turning towards Abe. More agitated than before the matted furball above me moves the opposite direction of me, being drawn to the man who just kicked it.

This gives me the shot to ascend to my feet, even though I stumble and roll my throbbing ankle on the floor. My legs shake as I watch the rogue brute charge forward at Abe with no mercy. He readies for the collision by bracing himself immediately as the hound tackles him to the ground. The sound of his body hitting the floor sounds like a squish of meat being punched.

In the man's adrenaline he is able to ignore the torture of his broken body, maybe not even recognizing it; yet I unarguably heard a bone snap in his hand. The two wrestle, and with Abe being much stronger compared to my petit body I know he has a good chance of escape, even as the villain looks like it wants to bite his head clear off. I don't dare to watch the creature snapping at him anymore; its teeth clicking repeatedly.

A different howl becomes louder than before. Closer. Now everybody must hear the distinct sound of our future danger.

"Jane," I sputter one last time in frustration, "Make it rain, now!"

A familiar sounding scrape makes me know that Abe is pulling out a knife from a holster, bringing my alertness back to the tall man suddenly blocking Estelle and Lynn from the intimidating canine. The two fumble until Abe is back under the animal's belly. He doesn't hesitate and lifts his right hand up, piercing the wolf's neck with the blade.

It only sticks in halfway before the werewolf is leaping off of Abe and whipping its large body around to face me. My grandfather and Jane behind me both speak but I'm unable to focus on what they've said. The strong brick wall of an animal charges at me, this time knocking me to the floor immediately.

The wind gets knocked out of me, and the only thing that comes to my attention is Jane slipping past us. As I gasp for air I watch her step right up to the door beside Abe. She lifts her arms into the air but I'm snapped out of it by the werewolf blocking my view.

It takes a taste of my shoulder, not mauling me but trying to prevent me from fighting or escaping. I screech and lurch up into a sitting position. My forehead hits the wolf's nose. Cradling my arm I hop up to my feet and kick the creature right in the face. I stand still, catching my breath and staring into it's coal black eyes. It doesn't take any time before knocking me to my feet once more.

Being held down under the Elyrian dog again, I can see that the knife is stuck only in the coat of it's neck, most likely not piercing any important veins. It certainly is not obstructing the wolf's airway and isn't much of a threat to its livelihood.

With my arms unable to move for the knife, my mind comes up with a different tactic of knocking it's back legs out from under it. This time my maneuver is successful but the predator's agility is very impressive; only taking a second for recovery and landing it's two front paws on my shoulder blades. The claws unintentionally dig into my skin and I cry out in agony.

A clanking sound rings through my ears, something heavy falling and sliding across the floor; the knife! As the werewolf grabs ahold of my shoulder with its teeth once more, I catch Abe moving towards the weapon. He crouches down, and quickly gets ahold of the knife, flipping it around and aiming it at me to slide back at me. It scrapes against the floor and I desperately reach out to it, not caring where my hand grabs.

I reposition the knife in my hand, acting on impulse and pointing it at the savage villain. He lunges back down at me, swiftly hitting his paw against the knife and pushing it out of my hand. It falls next to my head but before the creature can lift his paw upon it I snatch it back, clenching it in both hands.

Right away I stab the wolf's paw to keep it from scratching me with its nasty blood covered nails. He winces, lifting his paw to prevent more pressure upon it. Without another second for thought I slash the animal's forehead, sticking it in hard enough for it to scratch the tough skin's surface. This time the creature lifts its head just enough for me to take my final action of defense by aiming the knife at it's neck.

With all of my strength I push the knife up into the canine's neck; an accidental yelp escaping my mouth. Just as I do Jane is yelling; almost in agony. Of her energy being used? Strength? My sister continues to scream, setting my mind and body up to moving faster so I can see if she's okay.

I move the long mane out of my way and hurl myself up with another strike of the weapon, this time with a deeper push. Once I feel a flinch against me I know I've found the right spot. It tries to fight, pulling away but I lift myself up and push even harder. It growls at me showing its teeth, but this time I'm not frightened and tear its neck wide open as the grunts and huffs immedietly become muffled by gurgles.

The animal moves enough to where it can place its unhurt paw high up on my chest. It slams me back down into the ground, giving enough space for the knife to begin removing itself from the neck.

"Help! I'm not strong enough..." I plead.

Abe attends me instantly by getting on the beast's back. It falls ontop of me just enough for me to force the knife fully into the wolf's neck. As I do so my arms get tired but I don't stop pushing with all of my strength until the animal flinches from pain.

It lets out a long howl, making my ears ring. Other wolves around the property send a response, and then their footfalls become faster. The werewolf ontop of me wrangles its head around, trying to nip at Abe ontop of its back.

The clicking of its teeth make me sink myself hard into the stone floor, even more when blood begins to seep out from the leisure. I recall hearing that decapitation is the best way to kill a werewolf so I drag the knife through my enemies neck, which is much easier now that the thick skin is broken.

Once the furry creature is coughing up blood and twitching, it no longer acts aggressive or fights back; it only acts like a body of dead weight. A warm liquid starts dripping down my neck and chest but I continue to twist the knife, making as much damage as possible to quicken the slaughter. I'm unable to clear the head off of the body, but slicing as far as I can will do the trick.

My nose takes a whiff of an iron smell, and it makes me deepen the knife for the last time. It drips all over my face, making my stomach feel queasy. Once the werewolf looses its strength in its legs I know it's almost dead. The dog-like animal's heavy mass against me makes my chest feel like it's closing in on itself but I wait until I hear the brute's last heartbeat to attempt at pushing the carcass off my body.

I roll out from under it wheezing, the heaviness pinning me down and Abe aiding me right away. Once I'm on my feet a huge weight is lifted from me and I blink down at myself with a sudden blur and spinning sensation. I see the slain predator on the floor, its head and neck pooled in blood and red splattered everywhere.

Being relieved that we can escape now is not what's going through my head. I feel disgraceful for ending a life, even if it was to save my own from the Hunters in the future. My ears ring as the whole room starts speaking but I'm unable to comprehend the ruckus. Instead my ears pick up on many sets of footfalls hitting the ground.

Next something more calming, soft; water falling from the sky and splattering on the blades of grass, onto the buildings, and in the trees. I hear a howl, then a second and a third.

I blink around the room, pushing past Abe and staring past the girls by the door. Outside I can see rain coming over the hills in a sweep.

"Where's Luke?"

"Where's Koda?"

Both girls look at me with anticipation. I frown not knowing the answer for both of them. The concern on their faces are very noticeable. Estelle looks like she's going to bust into tears again any minute.

I murmer, "She's done it! Jane! Its raining!"

Howls continue to ring through the open air outside, moving away from us. I see glimpses of furry figures in the distance. They are running back to where they came from. Only two remain, taking cover by a tree a few yards away. Still relief is unable to flood me because the two werewolves begin zipping to the door. I sigh, my chest feels like it's going to explode any second.

Can't we get a break?

My trembling hands have light scratches on them and I check myself over finding that I'm covered in scratches, bite marks, and blood. I look down to my feet and my eyes widen when I see my leg.

I was so distracted that I never noticed the long gash in my left leg. It's oozing thick red blood that drips down to my bare foot. It doesn't hurt which frightens me ever worse. Ignoring the blood I suddenly stumble when my leg becomes numb.

A yelp allows me to know that Luke is coming in our direction along with his group I'm assuming, with a successful edition of feet whom I'm hoping is his father. Their feet pounding on the grass outside make me fall to my knees in defeat. They're running from the wolves coming at us.

Estelle and Lynn screaming and falling to the side. A large werewolf stands next to the girls who cower against the wall. It takes no mind to them or Jane who has fallen to the ground in exhaustion. It stares its dark piercing eyes straight at me. Behind it enters a second wolf that stands in the doorway.

The first one doesn't manage to take any steps before it is shockingly breaking its own bones; or morphing itself? It's fur starts to shed, then other pieces retracting back into its skin. The bald creature continues to move frighteningly, as if something was inside its skin try to escape. I gasp, feeling as if this is the very first paranormal-like event I have witnessed.

The skin suddenly shrinks, and is sucked in to encircle the bones that are no longer massive but instead smaller. I blink in horror, seeing person-like features beginning to develop. He stands, wearing only a thick blanket of fur and wrapping it around himself like it's a towel.

He stares down upon me, "You just killed our leader."

I hear Abe step slowly, taking ahold of the knife I once was using. He braces himself for another fight, while Jane ahead is taking in ragged breaths.

I stand in disbelief. This can't be the end of me, I'm going to be taken away to the Hunters aren't I?

"I was defending myself..." I meet the tall man's gaze, trying my best to ignore his pointy Elyrian-canine teeth. I cover my face, knowing I could not save everyone from the werewolves.

"We are free!"

I look up in shock, as Jane's voice glimmers with hope, "From what?"

"Our bondage to him!" He gestures down towards the dead carcass on the floor, "The alpha is dead. We don't have to be forced to be in this pack anymore!" The man's voice is surprisingly kind and humble. "We are free!" He announces to the werewolf at the door.

My grandfather lets his presence known, "And what's all this for?"

"The alpha controlled the pack with full force. This meant that the only way to become free was to kill him, but none of us were strong enough to free ourselves from his mind control. He was the strongest and clouded our judgment for years. It was tiring," He admits.

Having a civil conversation feels good for a change, but I didn't expect our enemies to look at us in this way.

"We never wanted to be part of some job..." The wolf-man shakes off his anger and laughs, "We can finally go back to Elyria!"

Behind him, the werewolf at the door allows a man to enter. At the sight of the stranger I am paralyzed for no known reason at all. His eyes instantly connect with mine when he steps into the corridor and stops next to the Elyrian wolf-man. Within a millisecond of taking in this young man's face I'm stuck in awe. The man's only about a yard away from me but I feel like he should be closer. I want to know about him.

The many sounds that were once coming into my ears cease to exist and everything around us seems to fade away. A quietness like this is nothing I have ever experienced in my life, it is very comforting to me. The pain in my leg disappears and my body is temporarily healed with this sudden blond stranger looking at me.

With the sound of the wonder's racing heartbeat in front of me, I can almost feel it following alongside mine. It is so similar that I'm almost convinced the beats are purposely falling into sync. His eyes don't leave mine, and I catch their green color before he blinks down at my feet...or is it the huge bloody gash in my leg?

Suddenly a hand on my shoulder snaps me out of it and my head becomes overwhelmed with all of the sound that comes rushing back at me. A throbbing sensation follows in my body, down my leg and possibly to the bone. In the midst of chaos I swear I hear a whisper, 'I've seen you before...in my dreams,'

A familiar voice? Heavenly!

Jane besides me questions, "You okay?" I jump, not realizing how she got to her feet and stood next to me.

Before I can respond the wolf-man kneels to me, "I must repay you."

Finally feeling less threatened I stride forward, still taking in the blond man in front of me.

What could this wolf possibly repay me with?

"Here, take our slave as a token of appreciation." He puts his hand behind the blond man's back and pushes him towards me. Realization hits me hard, reminding me that this is the man who was aiding the other half of our group. "His bondage has no use to us anymore. Our clan isn't part of the Hunters any longer!"

I stare him up and down ever so smoothly, taking in his presence, trying my best not to show any emotion with this outcome. I lean closer and the slave's mouth falls open like he has seen a ghost. My stomach drops at the sight of his shiney, non human-like teeth.

He bows his head then looks back into my eyes with a hesitant toothy smile, showing me two severely pointed fangs; the easiest way to identify a vampire.

I take a step back, "I can not take him."

The wolf-man shudders, "He was about to be owned by the Hunters, but we no longer shall speak to those men."

It's him. There's no way it's not him.

The vampire bows once more, "I am yours, milady."

My mouth falls open; his voice ringing through my ears. A de ja vu experience courses through my body.

It was his voice I heard in my head! This is not what I'd expected at all, do I own a servant- a slave?

"Who am I to you?" The man looks at me intriguingly.

There's not doubt in my mind that he is the vampire I was supposed to meet. The one I'm going to die with.

"My death sentence." I reply.