
May I, Lady?

"So, Sin. I'm sorry to push it on you like this again, but what should we do about filling up those empty seats now?", Hina spoke with a slight hint of concern on her face. 

"Miss, if you had no plan for that perhaps you shouldn't have let all those people go in the first place…"

"Baah, it had to be done. And don't forget, this is also a loss for Big Bro. I'm sure he's plotting to kick me out and bring those old farts back, but until that happens he's missing all his major henchmen inside the organization. It won't be easy for him to ace the Next Big Thing tender"

"That is true, but a huge chunk of preparation work for that has already been done in advance before the tender was even announced. I have no doubt he will be able to pull it off and win that tender"

"I don't want him to fail. It's not right for me to wish that anyone in our company fail in his job. But I know we have to do better with our FTAP"

"So what is your plan, Miss?"
