
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · 一般的
64 Chs

Silent Dinner

"Dear Diary, today was really a fun day. Not only I won the contest but they also surprised me and bought me things. My best friends were so sweet and kind. Dylan made my favorite foods and Christian took a lot of pictures. I went to L centre together with Dylan and Justin, and guess what? They bought me things, but of course, I persuaded them. Justin did just pay for the card in time zone since I wanted to play the claw machine and the dance thing. He bought me cute hair clips though when he excused himself to the toilet. Dylan, on the other hand broke the deal. He was looking around and found a dress that suited me very well. It was a past pink dress with embroidered elbow bishop sleeves. He told me that I could only buy 5 things which were journal, binder notebook, a pack of Japan's fine pens, a pack of journal stickers and the thermal pocket printer which Justin payed half the price. I swear I didn't buy clothes because I'll have my brother buy it for me but the shop was just so near us and he was the one who pushed me inside. Not only the dress but he also bought me black, pastel pink and white stripe sweater and a Clio eyeshadow palette, the rusted rose and street brick. I couldn't even buy make up for myself because it's such a hassle. After he bought those, Justin ushered us to play in the time zone and there we acted like 5 year old kids. They played basket there, the claw machine, the coin slots and many more. When we finished playing, the couple arrived. It was a bad timing. Ashley had to convince them to play again and because I was so energetic, we decided to play again. Christian and Dylan had a dance battle while Ashley and Justin did a singing battle. I was waiting for them to finish so that we all can play bowling. Guess what? I got 5 strikes, better than the boys. I don't know if I was good at it or luck was just really on my side today. Anyways, I truly treasured today. Sadly, Victoria wasn't able to go with us, due to her braces. She was left alone hurting. Braces surely broke her day. But next time, we're going to play in the time zone with Victoria. " she smiled sweetly before closing her diary. She carefully placed her diary on the last drawer before going out of her room.

" Liana, come eat. Jun's already there, " Tutor Hao took her hand without hesitation.

" thank you for the food tutor Hao, "

" no problem. I heard that you won the contest. I wanted to cook foods that you liked." she smiled as she continued to eat. She glanced at Jun who sat at the other end of the table, opposite her. He was eating, not giving her nay glance.

" of course, we should eat in the dining table, not give each other a glance, "she scolded herself in her mind.

" Liana, your mom just called me that Manang Brenda and meaning Roel will stay here with you so that there would be a lot of people here. She figured out that you need manang Brenda, "

She gasped. She totally forgot about her close individuals in their house." I haven't seen manang for a while now. Thank you tutor Hao for reminding me. How about the two of you tutor Hao? Aren't your kids looking for you? I don't want to sound rude tutor Hao," she blushed, looking down.

"it's fine Liana. My kids are old enough. In fact, my youngest daughter got married last month and is expecting a child. I'm already old darling." she laughed when she remembered her daughter.

"that fast? Oh, sorry. Well, you can stay here, if you want. No one's staying here during the day. I don't want an empty house," she softly said while sparing a glance at Jun who was also looking at her. She directly broke the contact and coughed.

"I know. I wanted to stay here too. My daughter is just the same age as you Liana. How about you? Do you have any plan on getting pregnant?" Tutor Hao's question choked her. The food was stuck on her throat as she was embarrassed to answer the question. She grasped the bottle beside her plate and drank it immediately.

" ahem...I don't think I'm ready for that. I'm still at a young age and enjoying my 20s. Besides, it would be hard for me to take over the companies if I would be pregnant." she scratched her neck while answering her questions. She completely avoided the stare that Jun was giving her.

" how about you Jun? Don't you want kids? I'm sure you want to. After all, someone needs to take your company too. "

" Just as what she said Tutor Hao, we're still young. I don't think she's mature enough to become a mother. Besides, this is a force marriage. " he reminded her of their situation. She felt a bullet pierced her heart. She gently nodded before eating the food. She just lost her appetite but she didn't want to show it.

" Okay, I understand. Being a rich person really gives you trouble. Didn't your older brother got into forced marriage too, Liana? But they came out fine,"

"Tutor Hao, let's not discuss that one here,"

"I understand." her heart broke when she felt pain along her words. She didn't want to talk about marriage and life. She just wanted to eat dinner, that's all. She felt sorry for cutting her like that.

"Eoh? Are you done?" she asked Jun after he walked and brought his dishes to the sink.

"Tutor Hao, thank you for the food. I still have things to finish. Kindly wash my plates too," He said before walking up to the stairs.

"tsk, what a jerk," she whispered before shoving a spoonful of rice in her mouth. She was beyond annoyed by him.

"Tutor Hao, have you had your dinner? What about tutor Liao?" she asked, averting her focus to the woman.

"I'm waiting for my husband. I'll eat when he arrives, don't worry. You should finish up and put your dishes on the sink. I'll wash them right after,"

"it's fine, I can do it." she chuckled, as if she didn't know how to wash dishes. Growing up in a rich family doesn't mean that she was a spoiled brat and didn't know proper care and skills at home. She was not going to be one of those bratty daughters. She may be spending a lot because of her stationery items but she sure knows how to compute and manage her money.