
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · 一般的
64 Chs

Expected famous destroyer

"Why does Veronica keep showing up? "said Liana in her mind. They were in a date in a regular restaurant in Busan. When she was just about to call the waiter, the witch decided to ruin their family time again.

" Hi, Oppa, may I join you? " Veronica said in her disgusting high pitched voice. Seriously, Liana was annoyed at her.

"Eomma, who's that girl? Is she Appa's sister?" Hani said while pointing at Veronica. Veronica glared at the little girl but Jun stopped her.

"no honey, she's just a friend of your dad," she gave her a secret glare between her charming eyes. She nudged Jun but he didn't move.

"you can sit down," He said. Her eyes widened when she heard what he just said. "Did I heard that right? What in the world is happening?" she said to himself.

"waiter please," the waiter was looking away from Veronica who tried her best to flirt with him. She was playing with her hair while holding his hand. The waiter was disgusted but tried his best to smile at the customers.

"Uhm, we would like to order. Hani, Hyunjun, what would you like to eat?" she faced them, ignoring the glare Veronica was giving at her.

"I love their cheesy Teokkbokki and Mandu," Hani was the first one to give her orders, thanking the waiter after she was finished pointing.

"Me? Uhm, Chicken bulgogi and gimbap," He was unsure. He loved all of the foods in the menu and if only he could order everything, he would, but he didn't want to disgrace the food.

"how about you miss?" he was slowly flirting with Liana although it wasn't intentional. That's just the way he makes conversation with their customers. The way he eyed Liana made Jun's blood boil. He was gripping the spoon, but Liana didn't notice it. However, Veronica did and she tried to flirt with her, changing her tactics. She thought that she succeeded in calming him but the truth was, he was just acting.

"Hotteok and Youngyang Chaltteok. Will you serve the desserts after serving the main dishes?" she politely asked. She didn't like having all the foods in the table because some might get cold.

"sure, I'll have to ask these two first," He then winked at her making her smile. She couldn't deny, he was handsome, showing some features that she liked.

"I'll have tonkatsu and Kimchi," He said, monotonously. He was gripping the spoon, almost breaking it, again. Veronica was the last one. Although she wanted a lot of foods but she ordered the same food with Jun.

"so, what's the dessert, miss?"

"just call me Liana. Miss seemed to formal,"

"because that's how it works," Jun butted in, glaring at Liana who he thought was also flirting. She didn't really liked people calling her miss, madame , lady or any names that you call a girl from a rich family.

"I don't care, just call me Liana," she ignored his protest.

"call her miss, just what your boss taught you," he ordered the guy and the guy was in the middle of their fights but somehow, he found it amusing.

"Call me Liana, ignore him. What do you think are the famous desserts in your menu?" she asked, trying to piss Jun more. That's what you get from flirting with Veronica. About her, she felt left out within the group, aside from the kids who were looking at the adults, fighting.

" dalgona, mochi, dasik, ice cream, " He said while pointing at the desserts in the menu.

"we'll have those. 2 orders of mochi, 2 orders of dalgona, 1 order of dasik and 4 orders of ice cream,"

"hey, make it 5, I'm included," Veronica joined in when she realized 7 she didn't have any dessert.

"Oh by the way, she would just pay for her orders, so set her aside from us," she said, gripping at Hani.

"noted, I'll be back for few minutes," Jun sighed when the guy was out of their sights. He hated other guys who approached her.

"Eomma, you're gripping my hand," Hani giggled. She found her mom cute when she gets mad.

"so, how are you Oppa?" she opened, more like attempted to have a conversation with Jun, to occupy her.

"Fine," Jun was counting numbers until the food arrives when he assumed that Veronica wouldn't stop talking with him until there's food in her mouth. He looked at Liana who held a deathly glare towards Veronica but she quickly masked it up with an eye smile.

"do you have any thing to do later?"

His eyes were glued to Liana even if he was answering Veronica, "I don't have, why?"

"perfect. I wanna have a date with you," she squealed but she got no reaction from him. He was immersed in staring at her until Veronica went on his way, again. He knew these situations already. He could handle it well.

"as you wish," He said unsympathetically. Liana wanted to stab him with her fork. She wanted to kick his ass for agreeing with her. She wanted to throw good punches on his pretty face.

She was holding her anger, building it one by one when her phone rang," YAH YOU DID NOT TELL US THAT YOU'RE IN KOREA" when she heard the piercing voice, she immediately knew who the person was.

"I miss you," hearing that made Jun snapped his neck and looked at her.

"OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST USE YOUR TACTIC," Ashley shouted once again.

"Could you like shut up for once?" Ashley's boyfriend, Christian, scolded his girlfriend, jokingly but with a hint of seriousness in it.

"Hey Livie, how are you? I heard you're in Korea. Are you by yourself?" Christian called her favorite nickname, short for Liana Vivienne because Christian was the one who made it.

"yeah and nope," she answered, shortly.

"Guess what? We're going to Korea too and you're not invited," another voice was heard through the line.

"Hey, Vic" the girl from the othe tline scoffed and asked what was her name.

"Victoria wanted to party, you known her already. Since she's a spoiled brat, she wanted to try the exclusive bars there," Christian explained.

"She always gets her way," seeing as Liana said this, Veronica thought that she was speaking I'll of her.

"Can you pick us up tonight? Our flight's today,"

"sure, just call me before you get out of the plane," Liana dropped her smile when she realized they cut the call.

"who was that?" Jun asked, popping his veins.

"someone you don't know," she bluntly said. Veronica sneered at her, "how could you answer like that? Show some respect,"

"oh stop butting in our conversation. You should show some respect," she emphasized the word 'you'.

"I'm out of here," she grabbed her bag and walked away. "kidding, did you really think so?"