
Chapter Thirteen:The startle made her turn her head, making her lips brush on Jin-Rae's cheek.

"Bella, you're friends with Rose right? How come Jin-Rae knows her? Is she really a childhood friend?"

Bella crossed her arms. "Yeah, in fact, they've known each other since they were five!"

"Did Rose tell you all these?"

"Are they dating?"

"Was Jin-Rae always this Someone asked, all of a sudden, Bella found her self in the middle of a crowd gossiping about Rose and Jin-Rae.

"In fact, Jin-Rae took Rose on a romantic hilltop with his big bike!" Bella said cheerfully, making the gossiping crowd buzz. One eye from the corner looked at Bella's delighted face, a face that enjoyed the attention.


"Where are we going now?" Rose asked as Jin-Rae half dragged her out of the school. She blushed as she saw other pairs of eyes look at them and their intertwined fingers.

"Wait here." Jin-Rae left her on the sidewalk as he strode his long legs to the pavement. His golden hair caught the eyes of the passersby and even stopped to look at him. Jin-Rae's hair truly is a sight to look at, his slight curls made him look straight out of mount Olympus.

His pleasant features added with his natural blue eyes that almost takes you to the ocean.

Rose left waiting on the sidewalks caught a sneeze. She did not bother it until she sneezed again. The night went with a chilly breeze, and all Rose wore is a blue shirt with a thin white cardigan.

Not a little longer when she heard the sound of the car roll by, except it wasn't a car. It was a big black Jeep. Rose heard the driver seat open and saw the same golden-haired man.

"Let's go?"

Rose stared at him blankly. 'Does he mean to get in that truck?'

"Can you see my legs? Do you see how little these are with that big truck?" she said while pointing her legs.

Jin-Rae chuckled. "I'll help you."

He opened the passenger first and gestured her to come close. Rose hesitated but then sighed.

"Come here." As soon as Rose was an inch away, Jin-Rae lifted her up in one swift move, Rose even let out a surprised shriek.

"What was that for?" She slapped Jin-Rae's shoulders in anger. Rose glanced at other students who turned to look at them.

Jin-Rae only laughed in response and closed the passenger door while Rose composed herself. Once Jin-Rae was inside, Rose kept her sight away from Jin-Rae's face as possible.

"Put your seat belt on," Jin-Rae told the sulking woman on the passenger seat. She even crossed her arms on her chest.


Rose ignored the man beside her until she almost jumped to her seat when a pale hand moved across her and pulled the seat belt from her side. The startle made her turn her head, making her lips brush on Jin-Rae's cheek.

Rose's eyes widened, while Jin-Rae looked away in an instant. He suddenly struggled to pull the seat belt's lock. His neck burned in scarlet color as he focused his eyes on the road outside. He cleared his throat and started the jeep.