
Chapter ten: Jin-Rae couldn't help but smile, showing his deep dimples

"Open your eyes, Yu Yan." Although his words were muffled by his helmet, Rose clearly heard him. She was too scared to watch how fast the road went by that she shut her eyes. She didn't know that he knew they were closed.

Rose did not obey at first, she was too scared to see how fast they were going; afraid of imagining them getting involved in an accident.

But something in Jin-Rae's voice that is trusting enough that Rose opened her eyes seconds later. The scene she saw was the night sky and the view of the city from the top of the mountain roads. The city lights looked fireflies from far away. No noise could be heard but only the wind. No traffic and people yelling. Just trees whooshing.

How could one scene be this peaceful and dangerous to look at at the same time?

She felt them slow down, tearing her eyes from the view in front of her shifting them to Jin-Rae. Then he stirred the bike to the side of the road and put his long legs down the ground, steadying the bike.

"Do you want to come down?" Jin-Rae turned his head to ask her. Rose nodded, she was about to swing her legs down when Jin-Rae took her hand and almost slipped. "Careful."

Rose felt her cheeks burn and hurriedly went down with Jin-Rae's help. She then tried to untangle the lock under her chin, but Jin-Rae swatted her hand away and undid the locks.

"Thanks," Rose muttered and tried to lower her head so she could hide her blushing face. She breathed in the cold air and sighed with a smile on her face. "It's been years since I got out and enjoy the city view."

"It's the only thing I could think of to bring you in short notice. I know you prefer nature."

Rose let out a giggle. "This is fine. I prefer the lights during night time, they look like the stars from the sky but just come from the buildings."

"You could say that." Jin-Rae agreed and turned to look at Rose.

'Yu Yan' simply meant women who have beautiful smiles. From the moment Jin-Rae saw this smile since they were little it has not changed until now, the smile he knew back then never changed as he sighted the smile again upon the breathtaking view.

Rose held the most subtle beauty that doesn't fade. The more you look at her, the more you appreciate her beauty, how her heart-shaped little face complimented her petite figure. She bared those red lips that curve beautifully when she smiles, and the way her almond eyes disappears when she laughs. How her long, curled eyelashes look when she looks down in embarrassment.

Jin-Rae couldn't help but smile, showing his deep-set of dimples. Rose caught this when she looked sideways, she was tempted to poke it as she does in their childhood days. But this is different now, they're both grown adults and she's a professional doctor. He's a rising business tycoon continuously making headlines as one of the youngest billionaires in Asia a bachelor with two successful companies.

Jin-Rae's background included two years of voluntary service in the military. That experience made him untouchable enough for other competitors to be scared to touch him or even cross paths with him.

Pieces of information that Rose did not know.