
Chapter seven: The ice king smiled silently

All her classmates looked at her in surprise, some were confused, but mostly with an envious gaze. How could someone like her be worthy of Jin-Rae's attention? Who is this woman? Isn't she just some lowly profiled student?

Are they acquainted?

Even Bella caught the silent sweetness in Jin-Rae's voice as he called her. She smiled and kept playfully slapping Rose's arms.

"I didn't know that you two know each other!" she squealed.

Rose's eyebrows connected, "What? why?"

"Why?" someone from the back snorted. Rose already knew who that was even without looking.

"That's Mo Jin-Rae. Number One Ford's list of your billionaires and heir to Mo Corporation that's just number one in innovations and technology. The one person no one can talk to. Who are you, really?" She eyed her suspiciously.

Rose only shrugged her shoulders as her lips curved playfully. Without her knowing, a pair of blue eyes watched her in amusement. He chuckled under his breath.

It was really a rare scene to see Jin-Rae, the Ice King, smile silently. This man's handsomeness is above average, his golden hair appeared clean with a little faded touch to the sides that accentuated his masculinity that it did not need any styling. His charm made it hard not to look at him to the point where anyone staring at him for a long time would drool. Even though he sat on his chair, he looked very tall and upright.

a few minutes later, Professor Lee came and introduced himself in his class and started a lecture in an instant. Everyone paid attention to every word he said and written everything he had written on the board. A lot of the students lazily pictured what was written, but Professor clicked his tongue and shook his head in disagreement and gave warning to those with phones.

"If I caught you picturing again any of my lectures, you're automatically out of my class."

A lot of the students groaned, but not dare to make noise. Professor Lee is known to be a demon during lectures, no one could pass his exam.

It was a challenge for all of the students who dared to enroll in his class, but those who graduated in his seminar are all known to be very successful in the business world.


"I am physically and mentally drained! Let's go to the Cafeteria and eat something. my stomach has been growling since the start of class!" Bella exclaimed as Professor Lee announced the class to have a lunch break, she stood from her chair and caught Rose's elbow and clung to it. Rose distanced herself a little, she did not like the sudden gesture from someone she didn't know. besides, no one dared to touch her like that.

Rose silently glanced at Jin-Rae from her side, he remained unmoved to his table looking down on his book silently reading. She also saw some ladies behind him looking at him with dreamy eyes.

Rose only thought of asking Jin-Rae for lunch since he hadn't stood, but a lot of envy stares caught that glimpse and made malicious comments as Rose's background is very shady. No one knew her, they automatically assumed that she's clinging on someone else's e big thigh. Ridiculing her of her degree and enrolling in a seminar far off her line. This was when Jin-Rae stood and slammed the book on his table, the tables and chairs trembled from his force, cracking the surface. The students who muttered nonsense fell silent and scared of the sudden move Jin-Rae did. His expression was dark.

The students who witnessed his sudden outburst trembled, especially the ones who talked negatively to Rose.