
My Junior is a Main Character of the Show

This is just a story about a messy gremlin and her maiden friend working in an office

Mr_Tan_AT · 都市
4 Chs

A Failed Introduction : Chapter 2

It wasn't long until most of the staff got called out and was gathered, the boss was pretty strict and has his.....um..... standards . And being disorganized wasn't going to help, until a saving grace— or not so much happened....

"Before we start this meeting, I would like to introduce someone new to the office."

That same girl who eavesdropped before was standing there nervously in her work clothes, fidgeting around with her fingers before bowing her head.

"M-my name is Alice Nasihara!"

"I hope to work with you all!"

"Alright, alright go take a seat."

Alice quickly took a place near Matthias and Saya, noticing his welcoming demeanor and her messy outfit and hair before talking to Matthias instead.

"Umm, hi!"

"Heyy, you're speech was preetty amazing."

Noticing his sarcasm Alice flushed bright red , thinking ; what the heck was 'i hope to work with you all" that was so embarrassing!

"Oi, don't bully the new kid!"

Turning her head she saw that same girl, seeing her name tag ,Saya Anahiro .

"That guy is a trickster so don't believe a word he says, that's how he recruits newbies into working under him, like a dog on a trained leash."

"But he doesn't seem that bad?"

"I've in this place longer than you so you're my junior(kouhai)"

"My name is —"

"Saya, right senior(senpai)?"

My office life has begun, I'm finally an adult. Maybe I can make new friends and find love! Was what she thought but she didn't realize that it was going to be a lot quieter during working hours. But she didn't want to give up just yet, she might make friends during lunch!

"Hey, junior. Do you think you can do me a favour and help do this for me?"

"Oh, sure!"


It was 7pm, and there were people who are still working and among those people are Saya and Alice.

"Why did you accept his 'favour'?"

"Why not it's just a small favour."

"He's just taking advantage of you."

"How do you know that?"

"Because if it weren't for that bastard I wouldn't have this much work to begin with!"

Irritated, the tension rose and the air in the office became akward and frigid. Trying to break the ice ,they tried to apologize—"I'm sorry." "Sorry for being so angry at you."... at the same time.

"Pftt, why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong "

"Well... I just felt that I made you angry."

"It just my own frustration"

Guilt rose from the surface on the tension easing the akwardness and bringing the two employees a bit closer, closing a distance between the two. Like in the movie, The Grinch, her heart grew three times larger.

I'm a newbie at writing so I hope you guys can help me learn and get better at this!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mr_Tan_ATcreators' thoughts