
My journey to you

The first time Aahil met Elena her friends were gossiping about him and she asked "Who is Aahil" Aahil ,....... The second time they met she tricked him but he deliberately gave in.Since then Mr Aahil Roy started his long journey to chase his little wife. they met again and again.She thought it's a coincidence.Little did she know that the big wolf is deliberately creating opportunities to meet little rabbit.

Kafa_Kader · 都市
27 Chs

Who is he

The sky cleared today after a few days of late summer rain. More people are seen on the streets talking and laughing. Three beautiful girls were sitting in a cafe not far from the city.

"If you don't give a proper reason to come out to meet today, I am going blow off your head."

Alia angrily pointed her finger to Cyra.

She has been working overtime for the last few days to finish her new comic. She thought finally she could take some time to rest. But her cousin Cyra suddenly called everyone out to emergency meeting. She has no choice but to meet.

"Listen to my sophisticry, oh no listen to my explanation, I really have a big news to tell,"

Said Cyra excitedly.

Looking at her excitement Alia was a little curious.

"What news? I tell you even if you tell me you are pregnant, I will not be excited."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't even have a boyfriend."

Cyra was speechless.

Alia looked at her and said,

"Then why are you so excited?"

"Well, do you know Rusha is getting engaged? Guess who is the unlucky guy?"

Cyra said in a mysterious tone.

"What? With whom? Dont tell me its my male god? I would then, then....go kidnap the male god. "

Cyra laughed hearing the words of her cousin.

"Of course its not our male god. His eyes are not so low. But do you dare to kidnap him?"

Alia jokingly yet confidently said,

"of courseeee.....not. but our Elena does. Right Elena, Can you help me kidnap him?"

At that time the girl that they were talking was scrolling her phone. Hearing her name Elena slowly looked up and her two friends were stunned. They suddenly felt a beauty crit.

"Elena can you look up again. The way you look up is really beautiful."


Elena has been long used to their sudden nonsense but she still did so. Actually her friends were not lying. Elena is really very good-looking, so good-looking that words are not enough to describe her. Especially her pair of eyes, the eyes are so beautiful that they seem to have brilliance flowing and when you look at someone with those innocent and dazed eyes people can forget their words.

"Ehm. Lets get back to the topic, if one day we ask you to help us kidnap our male god, Elena will you help us? "

Elena simply refused.

"You have so many male gods. I am afraid if i help you kidnap them, all the handsome boys will go missing."


Cyra somehow protestingly said,

"Well its not that many. Although I have many male gods but my number one male god is always Mr.Roy. He is irreplaceable in my heart."

"Who is this Mr.Roy? Both of you are so fascinated."

Elena asked nonchalantly.

Both Cyra and Alia looked at Elena with surprised eyes.

"You..! you dont even know who is Mr.Roy."

Cyra started shaking Elena shoulder and said loudly,

"He is Aahil Roy. The most handsome man in our country and number one male god in our hearts. Why don't you know him?"

Alia added that,

"Not only handsome but also rich. I am going to make him my next comic's ML."

Elena replied with a smile,

"Oh, you should ask for his permission first."

"Why are you not excited at all."

Both of them said speechlessly.

"Why would I be excited."

Elena was puzzled,

"He is not my male god."

Then suddenly someone laughed out loud. Hearing the laughter all three of them looked back.