
My Journey to Godhood as a Fairy

I got killed by a goddess on accident and she gave me 2 options, one being me going to heaven, the other being me going to her world and she would give me 5 wishes, can you guess which one I choose? COVER IS NOT MINE, if you want me to take it down just let me know

Dirty_Rat · ファンタジー
5 Chs


<p>[Ding host and system are done binding]<br/><br/>[WARNING!! Host is falling from a very high height]<br/><br/>[System will spawn Host in a random forest next to the Oryn Kingdom]<br/><br/>[3...2...1 Host now spawning in The Forest of Beast]<br/><br/>[Ding Host successfully spawned]<br/><br/>With a shocked and slightly scarred look I said "What the hell, mom you could've told me I would be falling through the sky"<br/><br/>"System?"<br/><br/>[Host can communicate with System through her mind]<br/><br/>'Like this?'<br/><br/>[Yes Host]<br/><br/>'What do I do now?'<br/><br/>[Would Host like to chose her race now?]<br/><br/>'yes'<br/><br/>[Ding please chose one of the 11 races]<br/><br/>Angel<br/><br/>Dragon<br/><br/>Human<br/><br/>Dwarf <br/><br/>Elf<br/><br/>Druid<br/><br/>Fauns<br/><br/>Beast Men<br/><br/>Orc<br/><br/>Fairy <br/><br/>Goblin<br/><br/>'Can you tell me the basic information of the races?'<br/><br/>[Angels being the strongest, humans being the weakest but they have extreme Potential]<br/><br/>[System is sure you can put the pieces together and think of which races are stronger and weaker]<br/><br/>'This system has an attitude, hmph'<br/><br/>[Ding]<br/><br/>'Can you show me the races that can fly?'<br/><br/>[Ding]<br/><br/>Angle<br/><br/>Dragon<br/><br/>Fairy<br/><br/>Beast men (only some) <br/><br/>Without thinking I said "I always wanted to be a fairy" <br/><br/>[Does host want to chose the Fairy Race]<br/><br/>'Yes I do , you had me at flying'<br/><br/>[Please chose one of the Different Fairy's]<br/><br/>Primordial Fairy- they were here since the beginning and have control over all the elements without any backlash between contradicting elements( Its only available because you have Goddess Giana's inheritance)<br/><br/>Light Fairy- has control over the light and are excellent healers( they can't lie and weak against dark elements, I wouldn't recommend this)<br/><br/>Dark Fairy-has control over the darkness and they make excellent assassins (weak against light elements). <br/><br/>Void Fairy- has control over the element space and the void(meaning they can use space and void magic, they can also immediately teleport to anywhere in there sights or anywhere they've been using the void, they are the only race that can use void magic besides the Primordial Fairy, because of this, they are the fastest beings).<br/><br/>Fire Fairy- has control over the element fire (weak against water elements, and they are always mad).<br/><br/>Water Fairy-has control over the element water and they are 5 times stronger and faster when in the water(weak against fire elements but they could rival lightning and earth Fairy's in the water).<br/><br/>Earth Fairy- has control over the element earth and they are physically stronger than the other Fairy's.<br/><br/>Wind Fairy- has control over the element air and they are typically faster then other Fairy's but not faster than the Void and Lightning Fairy's.<br/><br/>Lighting Fairy- has control over the element lightning and has some control over the weather and they are the second fastest Fairy.<br/><br/>'That is a lot, hmmm I chose Primordial Fairy'<br/><br/>[Ding host has to undergo transformation]<br/><br/>[System recommends Host find a cave for transformation]<br/><br/>'Ok where is the nearest cave?'<br/><br/>[Locating nearest cave....]<br/><br/>[Ding there is a cave behind the waterfall that is located 50 meters away going west]<br/><br/>'Ok show me my status'<br/><br/>[Status]<br/><br/>Name: Raven Belin<br/><br/>Race: ???<br/><br/>Level:1 (0/100 exp)<br/><br/>Hp: 100/100<br/><br/>Mana:200/200<br/><br/>Strength:5 Defense:5<br/><br/>Agility:5 Intelligence:25<br/><br/>Mp:100 Vitality:50 <br/> <br/>Stat Points:6<br/><br/>Blessings:????<br/><br/>Inventory-<br/><br/>Skills:<br/><br/>*Speed of Light Learning (max)<br/><br/>You can learn things after seeing or hearing them once or twice <br/><br/>Mana cost: 0<br/><br/>Cool down: 0<br/><br/>*Speed of Light Mastering (max)<br/><br/>You can master things by doing them once <br/><br/>Mana cost: 0<br/><br/>Cool down: 0<br/><br/>'Hmmm, System I remember the mom saying she was going to give me a gift, where is it?'<br/><br/>[Host's gift from the Goddess is in Host's inventory]<br/><br/>'How do I open my inventory?'<br/><br/>[Host just needs to click on inventory or just imagine what you want in the inventory to come out]<br/><br/>I start to imagine my inventory, my inventory looked like a room with an infinite amount of space and there was a medium sized box sitting in the room, she imagined the box coming out and coming to her hands and there it was in her hands, the box had a note on it and she couldn't read it so she focused on the note and-<br/><br/>[Ding]<br/><br/>[Host has learned a new skill]<br/><br/>*Language of the Gods( or Yator) (max)<br/><br/>Description: Can now read and write in Yator, you can also learn forbidden spells now<br/><br/>'Wow that is a convenient skill if I do say so myself'<br/><br/>Looking back at the note I read " Hey, if your reading this you've successfully teleported to my world and I'm sorry about that 800 feet fall from the air so I added another gift".<br/><br/>[Ding] <br/><br/>[Host got The Blessing From Giana The Goddess Of Lightning, The Void, and Reincarnation]<br/><br/>Blessings: <br/><br/>The Blessing of Giana, The Goddess Of Lightning, The Void, and Reincarnation<br/><br/>[Gives you a immunity to all lightning and void magic, a 200% boost when using a spell containing lightning and void magic, also you get 100% boost in your hp, mana consumption for all lightning and void spells reduced by 90%]<br/><br/>{Author here, I will put all the new stats in the next chapter}<br/><br/>'Wow cool'<br/><br/>Looking back to the box I open it and see 5 things, a pill bottle , a skill book that says tribulation lightning , a skill book that says lightning steps, a skill book that says void magic, and a necklace.<br/><br/>She didn't know what was in the pill bottle so she tried focusing on it and as expected.<br/><br/>[Ding] <br/><br/>[Host has learned a new skill]<br/><br/>*All Seeing Eyes (max)<br/><br/>Description: Nothing can hide from your eyes when using this skill. <br/><br/>Mana cost: 0<br/><br/>Mana cost: 0<br/><br/>After she read the definition of the skill she immediately looked back at the pill bottle and started using the inspect skill.<br/><br/>[Pills of The Healing Goddess Qusha]<br/><br/>Is she the healing goddess mother spoke of, I thought. <br/><br/>[Ding Host got The Blessing of The Healing Goddess Qusha]<br/><br/>^ The Blessing of The Healing Goddess Qusha<br/><br/>[Gives you two healing abilities and 200% boost in your hp and all healing spells mana consumption decreased by 90%]<br/><br/>'Wow thanks Goddess Qusha'<br/><br/>I look back to the items and can guess what the books do so I picked up the necklace first.<br/><br/>[Ding Host has acquired the necklace of The Protection Goddess Wrilia]<br/><br/>Description: Can block 5 life threatening attacks no matter the sender, gives you a permeant 200% boost in defense, all defensive spells have a 90% mana consumption rate even after all the uses are up<br/><br/>'Thank you too Goddess Wrilia'<br/><br/>'System how do I gain these skills from the skill books?'<br/><br/>[Host just needs to touch the book and think about learning it, the book will appear in your mind and you will know how to use it]<br/><br/>I did what the system said and It worked.<br/><br/>[Ding] <br/><br/>[Host has learned new skills]<br/><br/>*Tribulation Lightning Strike<br/><br/>Sends a powerful strike of the most powerful lightning <br/><br/>Mana cost: 100(usually 1,000)<br/><br/>Cool down: 0<br/><br/>*Lightning Steps <br/><br/>Let's you move so fast you could walk on water or in the air when mastered <br/><br/>Mana cost: 50(usually 500)<br/><br/>Cool down: 0<br/><br/>'Thanks to everyone'<br/><br/>I put everything back in my inventory, now it was time to find that cave, I start to use my skill *lightning steps* and instantly her feet turned to blurs and about 5 seconds later she crashes into the side of the cave.<br/><br/>"Fuck that hurt, i need to learn how to use this skill properly" I say feeling pain in my shoulder while dusting myself off.<br/><br/>After dusting myself off and walking to the entrance of the cave in the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like a panther with three tails drinking water from the lake, when it noticed me it immediately started growling at me then ran towards me at a shocking speed, I didn't have time to react, when it reached me and tried to scratch her with it's claws the protection necklace I had glowed.<br/><br/>The attack didn't even pierce my skin, but I knew the necklace only had 4 more life threatening attacks it could withstand then it would just be me and the panther.<br/><br/>So for the first time ever, I used my *tribulation lighting* skill, I felt energy from my body flowing towards my hands, all I saw were blue sparks forming on my hands, I made a silent command for the sparks to strike the panther. <br/><br/>And as soon as I commanded it, the sparks struck the panther directly on it's head and then the panther collapsed, and if anyone seen this their jaws would drop, one had to know that this panther was a tier 3 shadow panther, and in just one strike from a 16 year old, it was getting cooked.<br/><br/>[Ding] <br/><br/>[Host has killed a Tier 3 Shadow Panther]<br/><br/>[Host has gained 3000 Xp]<br/><br/>[Ding]<br/><br/>[Host has leveled up]<br/><br/>…<br/><br/>[Host has leveled up]<br/><br/>[Host has killed a being that had a higher level than the Host]<br/><br/>[Host has gained 1500 Xp]<br/><br/>[Host has leveled up]<br/><br/>I was panting feeling tired from the mana consumption, I was so scared, but I started feeling bad for the killing the panther, but then I remembered I had two healing spells so I looked at my stats to see how much mana I has left and it was at 170.<br/><br/>I looked at my skills and I see<br/><br/>* Godly heal <br/><br/>Immediately heals you or whoever you use the spell on (widespread but cost more mana for more people)<br/><br/>Mana cost: 50(usually 500)<br/><br/>Cool down: 0 seconds <br/><br/>*Low heal <br/><br/>Slowly but surely heals you (at least takes a week to heal depending on how bad it is)<br/><br/>Mana cost: 10(usually 100)<br/><br/>Cool down: 0<br/><br/>I immediately used *Godly heal* on the panther and a soft golden glow enveloped my hands, I envisioned the glow going towards the panthers head and healing it, I waited a few seconds and nothing happened, I used it again and still nothing happened, I started to get worried but then remembered the healing pills, I immediately took out one pill and put it in the panthers mouth, the pill melted as soon as it went inside the panthers mouth, instantly I can see the panther healing and start to breath again, I then dragged it in the cave behind the water fall, once we got in the cave I put the panther in the corner of the cave and I went to the other side of the cave, I was feeling really tired after using that spell, I looked at the panther one last time and we made eye contact and I knew it wouldn't hurt me so I closed my eyes and just before I lost conscious I told the system.<br/><br/>'System start the transformation'<br/><br/>[Ding starting transformation for host]<br/><br/>[Host will be unconscious for a week]<br/><br/>'Ok goodnight system]<br/><br/>[Goodnight Host]<br/><br/>[Starting in 3.....2.....1]</p>