
My Journey to Fight Real Me

Tells the story of a young man named Gyezo who wants to get magic powers, but when he is summoned to another world with his class mates, he is the only one who doesn't get magic powers. Because of that, he continued to train and travel to gain magic power. But there was an incident, which made him realize that he was just an Avatar from an existence in a higher dimension

The_Author_23 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

CHAPTER 1 : My First Time to Another World

Just before the landslide hit the bus, Gyezo and the others saw a woman standing on the bus who had come from nowhere. When the woman appeared, suddenly the bus was in a large green field

"Hello everyone my name is Fiona, you can call me Fiona the saint" smiled

Everyone was shocked and frightened by reflexes because of events that didn't make sense to ordinary humans, including teacher Izuka who suddenly said

"W-w-who are you? What happened" panicked and shocked

"Hey, didn't I say that before? Please don't make me feel irritated" his expression looked angry

As a result of Teacher Izuka's words, Fiona became angry and threw a spherical light at Teacher Izuka. When Teacher Izuka was hit by the ball, Teacher Izuka suddenly disappeared without a trace

"So now there's something I want to explain so you listen carefully" smiled but looked scary

"A-alright Fiona the saint" frightened expression

"The reason you are here, you will become potential saint. Your task is easy, you are only enough to protect a city from various threats"

"Because you will become potential saint, you will get what is called a skill. Skill is a power that is given randomly to prospective saint"

"Okay now I will share skills with you from now on" snapped his fingers

When Fiona snapped her fingers, suddenly the whole bus was all lit up which caused the students to be dazzled and closed their eyes, not long after that the students opened their eyes and saw something like there was a system in their vision. Lucas also asked Fiona

"I want to ask, what is in my vision?" Confusion

"Ah, that sentence is a skill system called, it will provide an explanation of your skill from understanding, function, strengths, weaknesses, and also the system will tell what level your skill is"

At that time all the students discussed what skills everyone got, the skills the students got varied from seeing the future, good at cutting, changing body size, controlling plants, controlling the temperature around him, etc. The students shouted with pleasure because they got super powers in the form of skills at that moment the bus driver asked Fiona with fear and nervousness

"Fi-Fi-Fiona, I want to ask something how come I can't get skills?" With a sense of fear

"Then you don't deserve to be here" smiled

Fiona threw a spherical light at the bus driver, and the bus driver disappeared without a trace like Teacher Izuka before.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot you can level up your skills by killing monsters or demons"

"Your first mission is, now quickly find monsters and raise your skill level as high as possible"

"Shinzu, let me down now. I've found the nearest town"

"Okay Hanma, we will go down now" slowly went downstairs

After saying that, Fiona then instantly disappeared without a trace. The students then got off the bus and gathered and formed a circle, they told each of their skills. Like Homura who had the cutting skill, Gyezo who had the annihilation skill, Hanma who had the vision skill, Lucas who had the copycat skill, etc. Then each student, explained about his skills. Starting with Homura's skill, there is a cutting skill, that skill has the power to just cut ordinary things like trees, trees, etc. Followed by Hanma who has a vision skill where he can see far and above ordinary human vision, after that Lucas with the copycat skill, namely a skill that can imitate other people's movements, after everything has been explained about the skills they have they decide to go to the nearest town. They started their journey to the city, but because they did not know the location of the nearest city, Lucas suggested Shinzu, who had flying skills, to lift Hanma up into the sky. After that, Hanma, with his skills, searched for the nearest city. Hanma found a small town to the east of where he was standing, then Hanma told Shinzu to put him down

The two of them arrived at the mainland, Hanma told his friends the closest city he saw from where they were standing was currently to the east with some distance. Without lingering long, Lucas immediately told the others to immediately leave right now

"Come on friends!!! We're leaving now !!"

They also walked following Hanma's directions, after 1 hour they walked in front of them there was a wide and dense forest, they then stopped for a while to decide whether they would enter the forest or not. They decided to enter the forest not long after they walked in the forest they met a wild boar-shaped monster 10× bigger than an ordinary wild boar. Lucas and the others were shocked but Lucas tried to calm the others down

"Hey everyone stay calm !! Don't panic" the tone slowly slowly

Even though Lucas had tried to calm the others down, not all of them were calm, there were still those who panicked, namely all the women. Everyone was still panicking and screaming

"Aaaaaa!!! Mo-mo-monster, there's a monster!!!" Screaming in fear

"Hey don't scream !! That might make him angry" tried to stay calm

"Hey Mio!! Quickly use your skill"

Lucas kept calm and told Mio to use his skill, because Mio's skill was an animal control skill. But it was useless, the wild boar monster was too strong to tame with skill because Mio was too weak. At that moment the pig monster went berserk and ran towards Gyezo and the others, all the students were even more frightened. But suddenly, something happened to the pig monster whose movements suddenly slowed down and finally stopped, standing still.

"Haaaah!!" Screaming fright

It turned out that the pig monster stopped because, Iris who suddenly activated her skill accidentally out of fear. Without wasting a chance, Lucas immediately ordered Homura to take the branches around them and immediately activated his skill to attack the pig monster. Due to Homura's attack, the pig monster could be killed and the exp from the monster entered Homura's body to raise the level of Homura's Exp skill so that it could rise to level 2. After that incident, they immediately continued their journey again for fear of more monsters appearing. After 1.5 hours of walking they finally came out of the forest and saw a city in the distance. They continued their journey, when they arrived in the city they were immediately welcomed back by Fiona who had been standing waiting for them.

"Hello we meet again" smile

"H-hello Fiona" stopped walking

"I just want to say you should join the academy school to study magic, it will really help you for hunting and gathering experience" disappeared

After what Fiona said, they immediately decided to look for an academy, but to find out where the academy was, they would ask the townspeople. They walked into the town, when they entered the town they met a boy, Makuto then tried to ask him

"Excuse me sir, I would like to ask where is the academy school located?"

"Academy school huh, it's in the royal capital"

Suddenly, in Makuto's vision, a text appeared which said what the man said in a language that Makuto understood, Makuto didn't expect the system to be able to do that.

"Thank you sir" smiled

"You're welcome" leaving Makuto

Makuto then told the others that the academy school was located in the capital, not long after that a lady pass in front of Lucas then asked the lady

"Excuse me ma'am, I want to ask where is the royal capital?" Smiling kindly

"The royal capital huh, the royal capital is to the North past the mountain range over there" gesturing towards the northern mountain range

"Thank you very much ma'am" left the mother

They then walked away from the mother, as they walked they thought of a way to get to the royal capital because it was so far away and it took a lot of energy to walk. Gyezo then had an idea and proposed it to his friends

"Friends, I have an idea, what if we use Shinzu's and Makuto's skills. Shinzu's skills can make us fly and Makuto's skills can make us fly faster" opposing hands

Lucas and the others responded to the idea from Gyezo

"Sounds like a pretty good idea"

But Shinzu suddenly rejected the idea of ​​Gyezo

"Actually that's good, but I can't make people cut too much. I myself still have a limit considering that my own skill level hasn't increased yet."

Then after that Iris raised her hand and came up with an idea

"I have an idea what if I use my skill, to make all of us fly after being pulled by Shinzu who is accelerated by Makuto's skill?"

"That's a very good idea, we can hold each other so we don't get separated" Lucas replied

Iris then used her skill to make all the students except Shinzu fly in the air after that Makuto activated her skill on Shinzu so he could fly faster, they started their journey to the royal capital.