
MY GOD!!... PART 2(I would be dead)

"It was Angel. The moment she saw me, she smiled. I was so happy, I was out of words.

"So you wouldn't help me out or say anything?" I looked at her closely to notice that she was tied up and still had wounds.

"I have missed you so much, Angel," I declared, almost starting to cry.

"I have missed you too. Now, will you help me up?"

I quickly untied her and helped her to her feet. I gave her a heartfelt hug, holding her close and not wanting to let go.

"That's enough now," Angel said, coughing. "My body is aching." I quickly released her from the hug.

"Who did this to you, Angel?"

"Let's just get out of here very fast before she comes back," Angel insisted.

"Who is she?"

"Just listen to me," Angel said, coughing. "I will tell you everything on the way." She demanded.

I quickly grabbed her by the shoulder to move upstairs, but right in front of us, *Bang!!* the trapdoor closed.

I pushed it open, but it didn't budge.

I tried and tried, but it still didn't open at all.

"This is risky, but I know another way from here," Angel clarified.

"I knew Amelie and Jonah had something to do with your disappearance."

"Who are those people you mentioned now?" Angel asked.

"The owners of this building. At first, they claimed they didn't know where you were. Then later, they were hiding this room from me. Not this room, to be exact, but the other room and..."

"Calm down, Anon. Let's get out of here first, then we can deal with whoever is behind all of this," Angel decided.

We went down the stairs, and she started leading us to a side of the room. This room was much bigger than the initial one. We continued moving for a while.

"Where are we going exactly?"

"There is a door she always used to enter here, not the one above. We used it to get in and out. We just need to find it."

The search continued for a while, but we couldn't find any doors.

"Amelie could only use the trapdoor to enter. We have been walking, yet we haven't seen any door apart from the trapdoor," I said.

"I know what I *coughs* what I am talking about, Anon. I am not insane or imagining things."

"Okay, but when I lay my hands on Amelie and Jonah, they will feel the heaviness of my wrath. How could they do this to a beautiful girl?"

"Haha *coughs harder*, I don't know the name of the person who comes here, but one thing I could say is, I have only seen a lady here and not a man and woman in your case."

"Maybe it is Amelie who does the hard part. I started trusting them. They were both caring and very nice."

"Are you sure it is the same person or people we are talking about?"

"Yes, it could have been only them. Why didn't they take me instead? Oh! I have gotten it."

We couldn't find the door, so we sat down to rest for a while.

"What have you gotten? Have you found the door?" she asked.

"No, not that. In the neighborhood, young females have been missing over the months. I found that out around the period I was almost beaten to death. They didn't tell me the truth. You were kidnapped, but they didn't, or let me say, would have ever told me it was them."

"Jeez, you were beaten to WHAT! This is all confusing, but the most confusing of all is how all these happened under two days."

"What do you mean by two days, Angel?"

"Two days. Everything happened under two days."

"No, when did I say it happened in just two days?"

"Then, if not two days, how did all those things happen to you in just a day?"

"What are you talking about? All these shits happened in months."

"What do you mean *coughs* by months? Wait, how long have you been here?"

"I don't know per se, but what I do know is, I have been here for more than or close to two months."

"Two months? You must be pulling a joke on me," she reacted.

"You are confusing me now. I have been here for more than a month, and I have been looking for you ever since." Angel was confused and overwhelmed by the whole situation.

"I don't get it, but I have been here for only three days, and it just started."

"Hahaha, good one. You can tell a good joke."

"But I am… not jok…"

"Oh, it's nice that you guys have gotten together again."

Angel and I looked to see an old-looking lady with a knife coming after them.


I opened my grimoire and saw the spell "VANISH." From the name, I knew it would be a good one.

"Laura, block their attacks; this time, I will read the spell myself," I said.

The guards started attacking from all sides, but nothing was happening because Laura put a magical barrier around us. With that immense power she was using and I was also losing, I started staggering with weakness and I was having diplopia alone, but that didn't stop me because I had already found the spell I needed.



(BEWARE READERS: From this part downwards, this is a narration by Angel)

I could narrowly see, but I saw right before Anon recited the spell that brought us to an unknown place. A mage, an enchantress who was also there, was reciting a spell. I didn't know what she said, but one thing I did know was that she read her spell from a dream grimoire.

In a flash, everything twinkled right in front of my very own exhausted eyes, releasing a bright glare and feeling like safety. The feeling of losing and everything bad got erased in an instant, and I knew that liberation was coming.

I became calm, and my eyes also, I could say, rested well. After a while, it didn't feel like much. I woke up to a dark and scary-looking room with weapons and so many dangerous things. It scared me. I tried changing positions, but all I could feel was a sharp pain on the right side of my chest. The arrow I was shot with was still there.

I pulled it out painfully and with all the strength that I had left. It was too much to put up with. It would have been an unlikely circumstance if it were slightly to the left of my chest.

I was still weak, but the environment around me was disturbing. I started looking for a way out of this creepy hole, which I did find eventually. It was a trapdoor above me, and I could tell I was below something and not in a visible house. This was more terrifying. I rushed to open it up, but it didn't budge.

"Can someone help me?" I screamed.

"Where is Anon? How could I forget I was with Anon? Ouch!" My chest still hurt badly.

"Anon!! Anon!!" I searched for Anon everywhere around the room but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Anon!! Maybe I should use the tracking spell on my gri..."

"You would find him," I was interrupted by an adult, a very old one, an old lady with long white strands of hair on her head.

"Who are you and how do you know I would find..."

"Shhhhhh, you talk too much. Just die," she interrupted me similarly, and this time she was rushing towards me with a knife in hand.

"What!! Why are you pursuing me?" I ran for my dear life, but due to the wound on my chest, it was very problematic. After a while of running, she caught up.

"Please wait, don't do this," I pleaded. "Please, I am..."

She was finally close enough, and she stabbed me right on the chest where I was shot.

I felt life slipping away at that moment.

Surprisingly, I woke up again, and I wasn't dead. I didn't know why. I tried standing, and that was when I realized I was tied to a chair in the creepy room. "Help! Someone, please help me!" I yelled.

"No one will hear you, my darling," came the voice of the old lady. She was right behind me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"My sweet, sweet darling," she said, placing her hand on my face, "It is all your fault. You ran away, but I was fast enough to get you."

"What do you mean *ran away*? Weren't you coming at me with a knife? Did you expect me to wait?!" I queried.

"Poor little Angel, if you had stayed on your own, you wouldn't have gotten yourself into this," she said, walking right in front of me and bringing out the knife again. But this time, she pressed the tip of it, and I could see it was a toy knife that couldn't even hurt anything while moving at full momentum.

"Who are you tricking? You switched the knife you used to impale me with this crap."

"No, little girl Angel, I didn't. Look at yourself, and don't be dumb."

I looked down at my chest. I hadn't realized I was not even stabbed but was instead carrying an old wound (from the arrow).

"You see, my dear, you fainted all by yourself. I didn't stab you; you fainted. But if I did, what would have happened to you?"

"I would be dead, STUPID," I replied.

"Yes, darling, I know that. Just wanted it to get through your skull. If you try any nonsense, you will die just like this."

She took out another knife and stabbed her own chest. It was real, and she started bleeding non-stop. While bleeding, she also used the knife to stab her legs.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!" It was terrifying just watching, and she didn't even flinch. I had never seen magic like that until then.