
Chapter 89

"WHAT?! Why didn't anyone tell me? You challenged Xavier? He lost? We're one pack now?"

"Yeah we needed the mind link so we could contact each other during the fight so he challenged me and I accepted" I said "I offered him back the pack when we were done but he said he didn't want it back, that I won the title fairly and that he actually preferred not being alpha, but I did make him my beta"

"I'm gonna kill'em" she said "He didn't have to do that for me"

"You really underestimate how much these guys love you lux" I said "they....We'd do anything for you" I cleared my throat "But that's not what I came to talk to you about"

I saw the nerves were back and she looked away. Damn it I wanted to shake her, to tell her to stop avoiding me, to tell me what's wrong.

"you've been avoiding me"

"No I haven'--"