
Chapter 71

"And I believed it" I chuckled humorlessly "i believed it." Mist clouded my vision and everything was blurry. I didn't know what was happening at first but when If felt wetness on my cheek I couldn't believe it. I was crying.

I looked back at Ethan who looked shocked at seeing my tears but also pained, I noticed everyone I knew standing in the back and noticed most of all Ren and Xavier and Whitney and Alan. "I look--I look around" I continued "and I see mates that are happy to be together, t-that are madly in love and I...I think: What the hell did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this?" I let out a sob "because Mates aren't s-supposed to be this way. They're not. The-they're supposed to love each other no matter what, they're n-not supposed to do this"

Ethan was looking confused and worried as I had my very public breakdown.