
Chapter 56

Xavier nodded and kissed me on the cheek before leaving. I smiled, I was happy for Xavier. But a small part of me was jealous that he was going to be happy with his mate. I pushed that part aside and told myself not to be selfish. Xavier deserved the best.

Xavier's P.O.V.

I drove to Ren's place feeling a huge weight off my shoulders. I was so worried of hurting Lily, I kept trying to come up with ways to tell her so she wouldn't feel abandoned or get mad. When I saw her glaring at me I knew that she found out and thought she was going to yell at me for leading her on. But I should've known. Lily would never be like that.

I pulled up in front of Ren's house and went to her door, taking a deep breath before knocking. her mom, Clara the pack doctor, opened the door but once she saw it was me she threw me a dirty look and went to slam the door in my face but I stuck my foot out, she has been doing that each time I would come to explain to Ren, I've had enough.