
Chapter 40

I looked up and was surprised to see Xavier shaking his head. Damn I thought my speech would work

"Okay then" I said and shifted awkwardly. Suddenly I felt myself engulfed in a bear hug.

"God damn it Lily" Xavier said gently against my hair "I was mad" he kissed my hair "I was stupid" he kissed my forehead "I was an asshole" He looked me in the eye "I said things I didn't mean. Things I'd never say because they weren't true. Lily you were never a burden, we all love you especially me and you know it. I'm sorry that I hurt you, I just got caught up and didn't think about what being a mate means. I know it's hard for you."

He hugged me again "I love you Lily, and I'm not going anywhere."

"You sure you didn't mean it? I told you I could--"

"shut up" he said gently and looked into my eyes as if trying to see something, I had no idea what. I yawned then and he sighed looking kinda disappointed. "Come on you need to rest"