
Chapter 19

"Let me work" I said not taking my eyes off the wolf in front of me. Kurt lunged towards me and I moved aside expertly eyeing his movements. Each lunge I'd dodge I'd look at him trying to find a weakness. Once I spotted it I jumped at him when he least expected it and elbowed him in the ribs, not hard enough to break them just cause him pain.

Kurt pulled back and I used the opportunity to wrap my arms around his head and wrestle him to the ground. We struggled for a bit before I pinned him to the ground. I waited a few moments and the stopped moving from under me.

I got up ignoring the dumbfounded expressions and smiled at the group.

"Alright spit up in groups"

I made everyone split up in groups of two, taking turns in fighting in their human form. They had to pin their opponent down till they'd stop struggling. But injuring each other was definitely not allowed. I wanted strong, trained wolves, not injured ones.