
Chapter 161

"Celena, Celena can you hear me? Open your eyes little lamb, come on" Brett’s frantic voice sounded in my ears. I hated the fear in his voice so I forced my heavy eyes to open and stare at Brett, my mouth working but no sound coming out. I hurt, I hurt all over and I was scared.

"B-Bre" I tried to speak out as a new wave of pain overwhelmed my body.

I screamed


I heard celena before I saw her. One second I was fighting this huge wolf attacking me and the next I heard a scream and suddenly Celena was in front of me before she was roughly thrown aside by the wolf. I barely registered people yelling as I ran to her. Seeing the bleeding wound on her head immediately. Her eyes were closed and I felt panic well up in me.

"Celena, Celena can you hear me? Open your eyes little lamb, come on" I frantically yelled carrying her and placing her on my lap.