
Chapter 15

The room fell silent, probably because no one expected me to talk to him. Okay, come on it's not like I'll never talk to the guy. I just wasn't planningn on being best buds with him anytime soon.

"yeah?" he says a hopeful look on his face. I saw dark circles under his eyes and he looked so tired it made me want to hug him and ask him what was wrong. He was my brother after all.

"Are mom and dad home or travelling again?" I finally asked.

"No they're home" he answered looking disappointed. "Don't worry about them giving you a hard time, I explained everything to them"

"What do you mean everything?" I asked

He shrugged and avoided eye contact looking back down at his food. "Told them you left because we were jerks and it was all my fault" he said. I remained quiet and quietly studied him.