
Chapter 159

"You deserve it, the location you gave us was a hit. Our scouts are getting all the info they can now and we’re getting ready for what’s to come." Jacob said, his eyes shifted to me for a second before he cleared his throat. "Also to apologize for yesterday, I was out of line"

Silence followed that statement and I could tell that even Jacob’s friends were shocked at what he said.

"Don’t worry about it" Brett said and then he looked at me and grinned "Hey, little lamb, wanna have a taste?" he said waving his can infront of me "It’s beer. Remember, I told you about it."

He had ofcourse, Brett explained a little of everything to me throughout the years but rarely ever managed to help me experience everything. But he did his best.

I hesitantly nodded and he gave me the can, I hesitantly took a sip and made a face. It tasted really bad. Brett laughed and took the can from me "Not good, huh?" I shook my head