
Chapter 158

"How does that work? How does a hunter get so close to a wolf, a prisoner? She idolizes you for God’s sake" he said and I detected the bitterness in his voice.

"I was a kid when I found out about her" I said, looking away from him "the experiments are only known to the high rank Hunters and not even all the high ranks. I remember playing in the house when I heard crying. So I told my Uncle because he was the only one who gave me the time of day. My father is the leader, you see and he never had time for me and rarely talked to me about anything besides how I should grow up" I ignored his shock at the news of which I was "So when my uncle went to investigate, I followed and I saw her." I shook my head "My uncle dragged me out and told me about hunters and werewolves and everything then, since they don’t usually tell the kids till they’re eleven. And he explained how wrong hunters were"

"But he is a hunter"