
Chapter 152

I grabbed the spoon and tasted the first bowl. I didn't like it at all but I didn't dare say anything, Jacob laughed "Okay from your facial expression I can tell you don't like it. So frosted flakes are out. try the others"

he didn't yell at me? Why wasn't he yelling and saying how I should be thankful he even gave me food?

I tasted the other one and it was yummy but the third one I loved the most. "C-can I have this one?" I asked

"of course you don't have to ask. I'm glad we have something you like. I'll stock up on Lucky charms tomorrow" he said as he put his bowl in the sink and started cleaning the floor from the egg spill while I ate. When he was done he stood up and smiled "you know you've talked to me this night more than you have these last few weeks. I'm glad"

I didn't answer, wondering why the hell I had a fluttering feeling in my stomach. And more importantly, why was I beginning to trust him.

and why was I starting to trust him.