
Chapter 137

I turned around, throwing my bag to the floor and glared at my mother "You know what? I'm done." I said "For you information. Adrian made me feel more loved in a few months than you have my whole life" I said and then smiled "And just because I don't fit your view of the perfect daughter doesn't make you better than me in any way. You treated me and Gabriel like we had something wrong with us because we weren't perfect and gorgeous like you. But I'll have you know that I won't let you make me feel like I'm nothing again." I looked back at Adrian who was smiling widely at me, pride in his eyes

"I'm beautiful" I said turning back to look at my shocked parents "And I'm smart...and I'm a damned good cook. And someday Ill open my own restaurant because cooking is what I love, not law or anything else. And you can't do a thing to stop me. I won't try to change who I am for anyone anymore, not even you."