
Chapter 133

He carried on as if he hadn't heard me "I see you haven't changed" the disapproval was obvious in his voice as he looked me over, and shame filled me and I wanted to hide myself but I wasn't going to show him "Still haven't lost the weight have you? You should really cut off on the chocolate"

I didn't answer him and he laughed "You know I don't know why you made it end with Luke. I bet you never got another relationship didn't you?"

I felt as if I was about to cry and couldn't answer, I never answered and I felt like a coward for it. I suddenly felt an arm slung over my shoulder "Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late there was this broken down car that caused traffic, you wouldn't believe" The familiar voice said and I stood there stunned as he kissed my cheek, Adrian was here.

Adrian turned and seemed to just notice Nigel "Oh, hey. I'm Adrian, Nate's boyfriend. And you are?"