
Chapter 127

Patrick sighed he knew when there was no arguing with me. He left a but and then came back in as I was asking him something to eat and threw m a medicine bottle "Tylenol." he said "You're going to need it"

"thanks, Pat" I said putting a plate of eggs and baconon the table before grabbing my stuff to leave "Don't forget to lock the door on your way out"

I got into the taxi i'd called and rested my head as it drove, trying to make it pound a bit less. I sighed as I saw the taxi stop by the house and got out, holding on to the door for a bit as a wave of dizziness washed over me. I payed the taxi and got in, I knew I was sick and it wasn't a normal flu I know the difference but I didn't have enough money to pay for a doctor and I wasn't going to ask to pay for me