
Chapter 11

"Come on guys calm down. Everything's okay" I smiled at him "And did you see their faces when they found out it was me?" I changed the subject. I knew my boys, if they kept thinking about it Ethan would be dead and although he does deserve a good beating I couldn't help but feel a bit protective. But I knew it was just my wolf, to her he's her mate. To me, he's the asshole that rejected me.

"Yeah his face was priceless" the twins gave each other a high five "I thought his jaw was going to hit the floor"

"Your brother too" Adrian added.

"Brother by name" I said stated and then shook my head smiling "I have you guys now" they smiled and hugged me before going to class.

"So you have art with me right?" Dave asked and I nodded

"Thank god one of you guys is with me I hate being the new girl" I admitted with a groan