
Chapter 115

I was instantly surrounded by his scent and knew it was his room. He left me in the darkness and I heard his footsteps before the light went on.

the room was simple enough with blue walls and black furniture. There were a couple of shirts on the floor but it wasn't a mess.

"nice room" I said walking and sitting on the edge of the bed "Are you sure no one would mind that I'm here?"

"Nah" he said sitting next to me "As long as we don't cause trouble no one cares" I nodded and we remained in silence after a while he finally spoke "After this night...can we still meet?"

"I guess so" I said "But I live away from here we can't see each other a lot"

"So we'll talk on the phone, email...there's a million ways.My friend, Xavier. He talks to this girl on email they met a while ago and they've become best friends and they haven't even met except for sending pictures. here, lok give me your phone"