
Chapter 113

"Dad's been cheating our whole lives" I said through clenched teeth "Don't believe him Gracie."

"B-but Nate I love him" She started crying "I don't want us to split up"

"I know honey I know" I said "But you're still young believe me you'll find someone better okay?"

"I-I got to go" She said "Mom just got back and wants to talk to me"

"Look Grace you'll find someone better okay?" I said desperately, scared of what my mom was going to tell her.

"Yeah sure" Grace said and then hung up. I sighed and sat on the chair, put my elbows on the table and my head in my hands.

"You alright?" Pat's voice disrupted my thought, I had forgotten he was there.

"Yeah i'm just worried about her" I said "She's too influenced by my parents' opinions"

"it's her life Nate" Patrick said "You can't keep trying to solve everyone's problems, you've got your own"

"I don't try to-" I started to say but shut up from the look he gave me "Whatever"