
Chapter 111

Anne laughed out loud and I smiled, loving the sound of my mate's laugh though I didn't know why she was laughing. "I look nothing like my parents or grace" She said shaking her head "They're all the perfect picture of a perfect family. I take after my great-grandmother" She smiled at me "But thanks for the confidence boost"

I frowned, did she think she wasn't pretty? How could she? Does she even look in the mirror? I was about to say something when she looked out of the window and frowned

"Where are we?" She asked looking at the house I parked next to "Who's house is this? Yours?"

"No" I said shaking my head "It's for a very rich family, who happen to be out of town for the week"

She noticed my mischievous smile and her eyes widened "Oh no" She said shaking her head "We are not breaking into the house. Are you crazy?"

"Relax" I said "We're not breaking into the house" She sighed in relief and I grinned "We're breaking into their back yard"