
Chapter 10

"Hey guys can you get her scent?" I asked them, each of them took a deep breath and then shook their heads with a confused expression. The girl got off the bike and I my mouth dropped. Damn she looked hotter off the bike than on it.

My gaze swept her body, and let's just say she was a huge turn on. She had a model's body, and killer legs. Which I bet the guys agreed with because I could see the way they ogled her. For some reason that pissed me off.

"How about we go introduce ourselves" I said and the boys agreed with goofy grins plastered on their faces. We started walking towards them and I saw Xavier whisper something to her and she stiffened.

"Hey" I said reaching a hand out to her but in a minute Xavier, Adrian and the other guys I was introduced to at dinner were in front of me blocking her from view. Wow she was really protected