
Chapter 101

The girl, Lily, left the guy and walked towards us with a smile on her face "Can we get the ice cream and cookies now and leave?" she noticed me and smiled "Hi, I'm Lily Marison" she offered me her hand and I shook it.

"Nate Tatum"

"These idiots over here are my friends, Dave and Jim"

"Nice to meet you" I said with a small smile. One of the twins reached out and brushed my cheek.

"You know you’re covered with dust and whatnot" I blushed and looked at my feet, I should have changed my clothes, they must be thinking I’m a slob.

"I was cleaning my apartment" I mumbled "I'm new here"

"Who are you here with?"

"I’m alone, though my friend Patrick Evans has been living here for a while." I looked over her shoulder at the guy who was getting up, flinching and holding his bleeding nose and his already swelling eye. Lily didn't seem to mind him