

I just watched the two of them in front of me silently, Sir Samuel couldn't speak earlier and just looked at me coldly.

"What are you doing here, Sage?" was Ma'am Faith's voice.

So I turned to her but I immediately turned to Sir Samuel to find out what he would answer to the snake.....este Ma'am Faith. He was just there standing and eyeing me from eye to eye.

"Nothing." he answered sparingly but his eyes were still on me.

You can see the confusion on ma'am Faith's face so she turned in my direction and you can see the frown on her face when she was looking at me. That jealous of her eyes makes me want more to see it.

Huh! Jelousy, you bitch!

"Who are you?"she asked me in English.

"p-po?" I stammered.

She rolled his eyes while saying, "What a stupid, maid."she turned back to Sir who was just watching us.

When I remembered that we were going to prepare ma'am Sandra and then sir Lucas, I said goodbye to the two in front of me as they had nothing more to say to me.

I sped up because I knew that by the time I slouch at another job, I might be kicked out of here and have nowhere to go in Manila and Aunt Meling might even get mad at me.

"Auntie, please prepare for Ma'am and Sir." I said weakly to her when I saw her in the kitchen.

"Have they arrived?"she asked me.

"Yes, they just changed clothes upstairs." I answered back.

"Did you look sluggish there and face your nose?" Aunty asked me with raised eyebrows.

"P—po?" I stammered to him.

"Is something wrong?"she asked me in a worried voice.

"Nothing." I answered with a shake of her hand.

Aunt Meling just shook her head at me and began to prepare the Vious couple. Since I don't have anything else to do, I just help Tiya set the table. It didn't take long for Ma'am Sandra and her husband Sir Lucas to get off the bed.

Because Sir Samuel's friends haven't come home yet and they haven't been able to spend time with their parents and I can see that they are just letting them go. Because of that, only the Vious couple ate at the table that night.

I WAKE UP because of loud knocking in my room. I turned on the light next to me and looked at the time on my cellphone which was also there and it was just past one in the morning.

It's too bad to knock, I wish he had just broken the door...

Aunt Meling let me in earlier when she saw me lethargic earlier and told me to rest first, she and Misty will take care of Sir Samuel's guests.

The man who looked like he got out of bed and walked to the door to open it, my reaction was shocked and I didn't move from my place because I didn't expect him to come to my room.

"S-sir!" I promised him, surprised and stuttering.

Sir is still happy even when he is drunk!

I put my head out even more to see that no one could see Sir outside my room when I didn't see anyone, I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at him at the same time.

"What are you trying to do here, sir?" I asked him again as I became confused.

"I just want to tell you something." he said coldly and he was looking deeply into my face.

"You can tell me tomorrow sir, right?" I said sarcastically.

It's too early! hmm!

"About earlier, that was... nothing." It was a weak manner but I heard it carefully.

what??? is it fooling me!?

"I didn't understand you—"

He smiled before speaking, "What you saw earlier is nothing." he said directly in Tagalog.

I looked at hi

m in amazement.

Shut up! that match! Falling in love!

I'm still looking at Sir Samuel so much until now, I don't know what he was talking about earlier.

"Fuck!" he said weakly.

rude mouth ah..

I smiled and Sir Samuel looked at me, "Sir, are you all right? Do you want me to take you to your room and you can rest there." I told him.

Ignoring his cursing, I started walking closer to him to help him walk.

But he raised his hand to stop me," I said you didn't have it earlier." he said to me coldly.

I just nodded to what he was saying so that it would be over and he could rest because I knew that Sir had not slept yet because his eyes were about to close.

"Let's go sir?" I looked at him.

"No, I can manage." He was about to step backwards when he suddenly fell down.

"Come on, Sir!" I shouted so loudly that I immediately covered my mouth.

I waited for a few minutes to see if anyone heard or came out of their room, I breathed a sigh of relief and approached Sir who was lying on the floor holding his head and seat.

I just shook my head and laughed softly,"Come on Sir, I'll help you get to your room."I took his hand and helped him stand up.

"Does it hurt, Sir?" I asked while he was still holding his head and seat.

"Yeah, it hurts so bad." he said to me in english.

Poor creature, drinking alcohol quickly gets you drunk..

When we stood up, we both almost fell down because he hugged my waist. I took a deep breath and escorted her out of our maids' room, we even passed the kitchen which had no light so it took us a while to read because I couldn't see where we were going to slip through the many doors.

"Hey!" I said because we were already out of the kitchen but I was immediately depressed when I realized that Sir Samuel's room was up to three floors up.

I guess I'll just drop him here, he won't know, right?

I shook my head thinking, I'm a helper of the Vious so I should also help Sir even if it's difficult I know I can handle it.

"Sir, don't worry because we're still going up and I still have a conscience." I chattered to him even though he fell asleep on my shoulder.

"I..like you..Ariana.." he said weakly but I still heard it so my thief stiffened because of that.

Do you like it? What's that?

I turned to Sir, "What is that Sir? Are you okay?" I asked him one after the other.

He couldn't speak for a few minutes so I just sighed and asked him up to his room. Even though he was panting because of his seriousness, I teased him and laid him down on his bed as soon as we entered.

"Thank you lord!" I said and fell down to lie down next to Sir Samuel.

I shook my head and took a deep breath,"It's tiring when your house is this big," I said weakly.

I turned to Sir Samuel in his place, and now I was facing his face where I could see his big lashed eyes, sharp nose and his red lips.

You can also see the sadness on his face, not seeing his cold and sharp gaze.

"You're so handsome, Senyorito." I said weakly to him.

I stared at Sir Samuel for a long time, because I knew this was my only chance to see him up close. I want to touch his face but I can't because I might wake him up from his sleep. And something also prevents me from doing that to him.

I was about to get up to leave and go to sleep when he suddenly wrapped his hands around my waist. He pulled me closer to him causing me to sink into his chest.

"S-sir!" I immediately told him in surprise but it was weak.

"hmm" he hummed.

I was about to remove it when he tightened it even more, so I couldn't get away from him. I also did not realize that I fell asleep in that position because I was staring at Sir Samuel.