
My Idle Cultivating System

Hiro died and reincarnated in future.He got a system which was pretty similar to the game which he used to play.Follow the journey of Hiro in Intergalactic war and race to top of world.

Book_Monster · 都市
15 Chs

Changes Part 1

Ring Ding

"Sufficient energy has been gathered.System is now being bounded to host.'

'Warning warning .Binding to host will cause immerse pain and some changes in surrounding. '

'Do you which to bind to system."

" If answer is not given within 5 minutes system will forcefully bond to Host"

With that a blue transparent panel appeared before his eyes.As a trans-migrator he always dreamed of having a system and reaching the pinnacle of life or power.Hiro was excited seeing blue transparent system panel after waiting for 16 years his golden finger finally arrived.

"yes bound to system." Just as he finished thinking he felt bone perishing pain and his soul being scatter and reconstructed.

Outside the Healing capsule seeing waking up Hiro most of the people were happy.Just as they were going to celebrate ,they heard a scream that send their whole body and soul to abyss .The voice was painful to hear as he or she was feeling all kind of torture, humans and other beings could think of in one go.

They were confused and scared as they didn't know what has happening.Seeing this Angela almost fainted.

Little they know outside the mansion a terrible cyclone was brewing up and the center of cyclone eye was Hiro. A large-scale system of winds and spirit chi was being drawn toward Hiro.100,000 kilometers of radius was being affected ,does who were cultivating felt less and less chi as the cyclone grew.

At Association Headquarter of Arion.

In the conference room.

Six elderly men sat at a large round table.

If an ordinary person saw this, they might think that it was a few old people in the nursing home drinking tea and chatting.

However, if any cultivators and high position people saw this scene, he would definitely be shocked.

Because these six people were all the experts in the world!

One of the Saints of human Federation — Goldsmith.

The president of the Arion —Lloyd.

Vice-President of the Arion—Jack.

The principal of the No. 1 Middle School in Arion —Kenneth.

The president of the Military Association — Rambo.

Also, the President of the Federation University—Xiao Yui.

It was worth mentioning that out of the six people present, only the President of the Federation University was female.

At the same time, she was only 140-year-old, the youngest of the six.

Furthermore, the President of the Federation University seemed to have a Technique that could maintain her youthful looks.

Now she looked no different from a 25-year-old young woman.

"Since everyone is here, let's begin the meeting."

As the president of The president of the Arion and the initiator of this meeting, glanced at everyone and spoke in a deep voice.

"What happened? Why did you call me over from the Defense line ?" Rambo frowned.

Lloyd gave him a fleeting look but said nothing.

As for the Xiao Yui sneered and said.

"Everyone else can say that, but you can't."

"What do you mean?"Rambo was slightly taken aback.

"After nine months from today graduation trial of middle schools will be conducted.So today i want to talk about it."Said Lloyd.

Hearing this most of the people inside conference room became serious.The upcoming students may have some potential and can became one of the pillars of the Federation.And also they can relax a bit,not caring about border invasion or alien races.

Raising hand upwards Xiao Yui said "I like to purpose a suggestion."

Everybody was taken back a bit as Yui was known for laziness and fast worker in Federation.

"When the trail begins we can say that the top scorers can get guaranteed spot on Federation University or any University."

"That's a great idea,we can inspire them to do more as well as we can pick talented children's at the same time." said Saint Goldsmith.

They talked for while for where to take trial as well as rewards for the trial toppers.

"OK,this should be enough.We should headbac...." just as Saint Goldsmith was going complete what he was saying buildings started to tremble ,sky which was gray became more dark ,Spirits chi/ Qi moved toward the center of the cyclone.

Sensing the changes happening in the surrounding Saint Goldsmith spread his mental force searching for the cause of the situation.As his mental force began to spread towards the center of cyclone his face paled his powered devoured fast and completely drained.Feeling lightheaded Saint Goldsmith drop down to knees.

Seeing this everybody began to panic.What kind of existence was that to make a saint drop down in his knees without doing nothing.

"Deploy red 3 alert and tell everyone to not to go toward that cyclone."

Following the orders of Saint ,Lloyd and jack began send news via hand brain.

"Let me see what kind of being is causing this"saying this Rambo fly straight toward cyclone.

"This muscle brain idiot , I will also for support if anything goes wrong i will send back news." not waiting for answers Xiao Yui also flied after Rambo.

"Saint ,what should we do?"asked Kenneth as he was the weakest one in the group.

"Let them be this isn't done by any being ,this happened naturally."

Flying toward the cyclone Rambo and Yui felt pressure as they moved forward the cyclone the more pressure they felt.They flew about an hour the started to feel changes within their body,their chi was decreasing as plastic bag filled with water with lost if big and small holes.

Not minding the pressure and drained energy they flew fast as they can.Nearing the center of cyclone they saw an ancient looking mansion.They went straight smashing the door not caring who was inside.

Seeing a group of people surrounding a healing capsule Rambo and Yui were taken back.Just as they were going to ask what was going on they heard a scream.

The scream they heard made their ear rings ,body began to shake.It was ancient and profound voice as god was looking down on them.

Seeing an unknown guest has come to mansion Angela turned her head toward two people.AS the two parties looked at each other ,they were rooted where they were standing.

"Angela why are you here?"asked Xiao Yui taken back not seeing her friend for long time.She knew how powerful her friend was and her temper.

"Ask me question later , first of all we need to create a barrier now so that cyclone doesn't people."

knowing the circumstances Yui just agreed.

"Old man help me "

Angela spread her Spirit Chi/Qi around the city as the barrier became sturdy yellowish glow was seen.

After three hour from system binding Hiro felt less and less pain ,the cyclone began to shrink until no more.A refreshing energy spread all across Hiro's body,he could not help but moan as days of hard work and finally sleeping in comfy bed.

"System bound successfully.Do Host want to open newbie pack."

Suddenly the whole healing capsule busted in pieces. Hiro's body smashed to the walls.And he lost consciousness.

Waking up Hiro held his head as its still hurting from the collision.