
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · ファンタジー
152 Chs

Chapter Nineteen. *

The rest of the village soon headed home. Our large party were lead to the main hall by granny.

" It will take at five to six hours per trip, they should be back just before the moon's appear. " - she looked behind and addressed the ladies close behind. " In the mean time we too, do a time honoured tradition of women. "

Demelza, mom, Lucians mother, Eleanor the kids and me leading a bunch of others whose husbands, mostly students of my Zephyr went up that mountain.

We went inside the spacious hall and got comfortable.

Granny asked something of Dilip and Menir also Zephyr students now for something and sat down herself.

" The boys will bring us something to toast with."

Oh.. I forgot that particular tradition.

For each year their husbands attend and survived, women used to drink a glass of wine or spirits to give themselves courage.

It wasn't done these years and granny rarely drinked also my dad never went up that mountain when alive, so my own mother never partake.

" Oh boy..my Alex is fourth time this year. " - she hugged her son, wiggling I'm her hands." I'm gonna need all of you to look after Arnold."

We laughed with her and others voiced their concerns being drunk, while the children of the ladies here, used the space to play around.

I didn't wanna say but, the way I'm feeling? I'm gonna finish that bottle..and then some. Forget glasses.

Soon the two returned with a few cases of wine. Granny wanted to pay but they refused the coins from our family.

Soon they left us alone.

" Lylly your man sure is respected by his students..and the entire village." - Liz was already reached for a bottle and struggled pulling out the cork. " I need to thank him, for how he dissuaded my Norman from fighting this year. You sure found gold in that river."

I blushed from Lizzy words and the ensuing howls of women already tearing into the wine themselves.

My back was patted, almost too much. They didn't even drink a drop. With that, I took a bottle already opened.

" Sweetheart you only drink one glass for starting." - mother took the bottle from me spilling some on the rug. " Don't forget your plan fo tonight."

My mother last words sent everyone around us into a frenzy of laughter and unsolicited advice.

The atmosphere quickly turned nice and light, the women were relived their husbands, won't foolishly engage in a fight and what little worry they did had washed away with the wine.

"Listen, Lylly your first time is very special..." - I felt an arm around my shoulder.

Here we go..

Demelza started telling all sorts of warnings and advices. Other injected words and anecdotes here and there.

I honestly barely heard them, I finished my 'traditional' one glass and kept thinking about tonight. Mother is right...but I'm also very excited and nervous so..let's do one more.

We spent only Ehlite knows how long just chatting and drinking but, soon enough some started to sing and others joined in with dancing.

I ended in conversation with Liz and talked about our past.

" I remember this time last year, you told you.." - she used her glass hand to gesture, thank God it was empty. "..me! That you might never marry..anndd maybe even runnin away..hehe."

At this point I had a few myself. I rarely drink so it hit me like a tornado.

" That was a different life.. a shittyy one!! " - I got up grabbing the nearly empty bottle and addressed the room. " Now look at me! ..this winter festival, I'll have the biggest wedding..this village has ever seen!!"

Lizzy and the others erupted in cheers. Boy drinking was fun.. my head felt very light and felt my face flushed.

I had close my eyes some of them started spinning around and it made me sick. I felt someone sitting next to me and hugged my shoulders.

" Look at you big sister...do you feel okay? Wanna go get some air? "

" Hmm.."

I walked outside a little wobbly using her hand as support. Liz close behind.

The afternoon air felt nice and warm. I looked around and saw the river Sen afar..

I wanted to go there.

" Come..come on. I'm wanna see a place."

Without hearing their answers I went ahead. Some of Zephyr students saw me and politely waived. Ahh, he raised them so well..hmhmhm.

" Lylly where are we going?" - Liz needed an answer after being dragged too far.

"..Where my future husband and I first made out. I want to swim, I feel all sweaty."

" Let's all do it! I don't want my husband to hug a sweaty women tonight."

Liz came by my side joining Eli and walked down to the shallow waters.

" We found Zephyr not far from here. Just up a half a mile or so..there."

Eleanor pointed to the distance.

Indeed all this area..this river was special to me in one way or another.

I looked behind and saw where we laying on the ground last night, I made me hot just thinking about it.

I took my dress off and walked into the cool water. It felt calming. The familiar feelings.. this river give me him.

" You're face is like the sun Lylly..tonight is gonna be very special."

" How was yours?.. I never asked." - turned to her and washed my hair.

Liz turned as red as she saw me.

But her smile was a very happy one. She joined me with a satisfied expression in the waters.

" A lady never tells...but let's just say it's pretty magical." - she sat down and submerged neck deep and made a perverted smile. " Ehlite, can bless a women more ways than one..."

Eli was so embarrassed it reminded me of myself not too long ago.

She laughed with us when, I splashed some water in her.

Ironically today was a very happy one. We spent a few more minutes in the water then went and rejoined the women. My hair and dress still dripping along the way.

They somewhat calmed down.

Some were laughing others just crying on each others shoulder. Someone brought a long table full of food and I spotted Ilianna sitting in the corner with a sad expression.

How could I forget about her?

I went and picked her up.

" Sweetheart, what's wrong? " - removed some hair from her little face.

We got a lot closer. She will obviously prefer Zephyr but, who wouldn't?

" Some of the others told about some monster in the mountain.. " - she looked at the kids near the food table eating with their mother. " Where dad left this morning."

Damn kids.

Undone all of Zephyr hard work. Although I should've see this coming. It's hard keep something so deeply embedded in this and many other villages history as a secret.

Maybe it's time to tell her?...no.

I can't, without talking to Zephyr first. Maybe not the full story.

" Listen Anna..it is true. But..your father did not went to fight him. You see Emet lives deep in the mountains surrounding our village. He is always hungry." - I adjusted her in my arms and did my best to explain something complex to a five year old. While keeping the gory details. " So we bring him food every year to help him. Zephyr just went to help."

"So, he just hungry and we feed him? Why? "

Ughh, kids and their innocent questions.

" I'm gonna let your father take this one sweetheart. Soon he will back with everyone else. " - I walked away form that gloomy corner and went to feed us.

" Just like he promised. Now ..let's eat all that food."

Yep..I'm getting better at this.

She was clinging to neck just like with her father. Sometimes, it's still insane to think I skipped the hard part and jumped straight into being a mother.

Although ..I'm also looking forward to the hard part later. It was late afternoon...just a few more hours.