
My husband isn't human

"R18 Taboo Love Between a Human and a Human-Headed Snake Creature" “A man-faced serpent creature and a beauty/The Dominant Serpent and the Tender, Caring Maiden" Scarlett, the female lead, finds herself abducted and delivered into the hands of Asher, the male protagonist, after hitching a ride in an illegally operated private car. Serving as a nanny, Scarlett gradually grows accustomed to life with Asher, fostering a deepening bond between them. Over time, Asher's initial dominance softens, giving way to genuine affection for Scarlett. Despite his formidable abilities, Asher's essence reflects a youthful simplicity. In the presence of someone he admires, he tends toward assertiveness, shielding his vulnerabilities while fervently safeguarding his loved ones. His intentions are pure; however, his understanding of morality is limited due to a lack of guidance.

AnnaShelly · 都市
89 Chs

chapter78 Looking for someone

Scarlett went to her uncle's house with her mother, bringing some personal belongings. The driver was none other than Daniel, sent by Asher to give them a ride. Daniel borrowed a friend's taxi to disguise himself as a driver, while Asher rented a car to follow closely behind.

Scarlett's uncle is currently a deputy regiment staff officer in the army, stationed at a brigade unit in the suburbs of City C. He had been allocated a house in the military family compound. The taxi stopped at the gate of the compound, as taxis were not allowed to enter freely. The guards at the gate stood straight, armed with loaded weapons. The main gate had an electronic lock that required a card to enter; active-duty soldiers had their own cards, and each family member had a family card that displayed their identity information when swiped. Outsiders were not allowed to enter freely, and deliveries could only be dropped off at the guard post.