
meeting the mountain god

the day of the mountain god festival

this sacrifical ceremory is very through bella said to herself.

Bella was seating waiting for the mountain god she thought of what alex said.

in order to avoid the mountain god detection I can't go up with you here is a numbling pill trick him to eat it as it has a numbling effect alex said

is it here, it is the mountain god

you are the bride this time, I have made you wait.

this man is the mountain god it look like he can't tell my age

as your husband I will feed you soon . bella push him what is that supposed to mean are you y

going to E*E% me . this guy look like he is from ancient time some why is he speaking like some overbearing ceo bella thought.

why are you not scared of me you're not even crying. because you are handsome who is afraid of good looking people Bella said.

that is interesting then tell me which part of me is good looking he said while walking close to her.

your nose , your eye,your mouth every thing look good . oo is that so the mountain god smiled.

he drag her to his arm is not only my face that is good looking my entire body is here let me show you a bigger treasure he said loosen his rope . my lord don't be so anxious after I offer my self to you I will be far from death before I die could you let me have a good time.

oh then tell me how will you have a good time he pause .

there is something my mother gave me as i was brought up to the mountain she say it will enchanted a certain effect when a couple....does it if you can.

how do I know you are not setting me up.oh this mountain god he is so alert seem like am going to use the honey pot method. I put it in between my teeth how could I my husband is so handsome I already love you more than I can say.

in that case I'D BEST COMPLY RESPECTfully but only if my wife eat half of it he took have of it D*min it.

huh the effect took in so quickly why can't i, I can't move anymore.

he reach in

Alex you a*hole when are you coming to save me.

Alex came in , transforme in snake a big one he bite the mountain god

where did this nobody come here spoil my good deed.

you are doing something downright dirty yet you call it a good deed. you the mountain god whisper.

look closely remember me alex said