

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · ファンタジー
18 Chs


After Cristian had proposed to me that night, he told his family that he would introduce me to them tonight.

''Mother, I have found a woman to be my wife. Tonight I will bring Jeniffer to introduce her to my mother and my family here.'' Cristian said to his mother.

''Who is that woman, dear, is she a very beautiful and good woman.'' Cristian's mother said.

''That woman's name is Jeniffer, mom, she's also very beautiful and nice. I'm sure you'll like her.'' Cristian said to his mother.

''I'm happy to hear the news, dear. Finally you want to get married and no longer remember that evil woman who hurt you.'' Said his mother who still hated Stella, Cristian's ex-girlfriend at the time.

''Yes, mom, Jeniffer is a very good woman and loves me very much.'' Said Cristian who was convincing his mother.

''Well, tonight I will prepare a dinner party at this house, I will also invite all the family to come and have dinner at our house.'' His mother left immediately to prepare for the dinner party.

In the afternoon, Cristian immediately came home to pick me up and take me to his house. I felt a little embarrassed to meet all of Cristian's extended family. Moreover, Cristian still has royal blood. There must be rules that I can't do in his house.

After Cristian arrived in front of my house, I immediately left the house and got into Cristian's car.

"Are you ready, Jeniffer? Cristian said as he immediately started his luxury car.

"Yes, I'm ready, Cristian. I said with a smile.

On the way, Cristian held my hand and praised my beauty that day. I was embarrassed to look Cristian in the face who had been looking at me in the car.

''Jeniffer, you are very beautiful today, oh yes all my big family is waiting for you at my house. I hope you can be nice to them. '' Cristian said while looking at me.

I just nodded my head to Cristian. I hope that when I'm there I won't do anything wrong to Cristian's big family. I'm afraid there are rules that can't be done in that family that I did in his house.

Not long after I arrived at his house, everyone was welcoming me with smiles.

''Welcome to the Bradley family, Jeniffer.'' Michelle, Cristian's older sister, said.

Not long after, Cristian's parents arrived and embraced me tenderly.

''I am Grace, Cristian's biological mother, and this is Cristian's father.'' Cristian's mother greeted me.

''I am Jeniffer, Om and Aunty, thank you for welcoming me into your home.'' I said, bowing my head.

After that, the dinner at Cristian's house began. I felt happy because all the family welcomed me into their home.

That night Cristian's parents asked me and Cristian to set a date for the wedding as soon as possible.

After the dinner was over, Cristian and I decided to get married next month. Cristian's family started preparing for the wedding.

My family wanted to organize a big wedding party for my marriage with Cristian. All my close relatives, friends and extended family would be invited to attend my wedding with Cristian.

One month later I officially became Cristian's wife. And now I am part of the Bradley family because I am married to Cristian.

After the wedding, Cristian's parents told me and Cristian to stay in their luxurious house. That's because it's a house that Cristian will inherit later on.

Because I couldn't refuse Cristian's mother's request, I went along with what she said.

Because I was already tired from my wedding with Cristian, I decided to wait for Cristian in his room. Cristian was still chatting with all his friends who had come to our wedding.

Tonight was my first night sleeping together with Cristian. Cristian had told me to wear the sexy nightgown that he had bought for me at that time.

Since Cristian had not yet entered the room, I ended up falling asleep in the room. It wasn't long before I heard Cristian's voice opening the door.

Cristian then hugged me from behind and started kissing me while taking off all the clothes on my chest.

''Jeniffer, satisfy me tonight.'' Cristian said in my ear.

I still felt confused about how to satisfy the desire of Cristian, who was now my husband.

I immediately opened my eyes and saw that Cristian wanted to have sex with me that night. I didn't know anything about sex, so I just kept quiet as Cristian kissed me and soon he was going to take my virginity that I had been protecting all this time.

I cried and screamed when my virginity started to bleed because Cristian had fucked me that night.

After Cristian was satisfied, I went straight to the bathroom to clean myself up. After I came out of the bathroom, Cristian looked at me with a smile.

''Jeniffer, thank you for tonight, you will get used to this habit soon.'' Cristian said, teasing me.

I just smiled and looked at Cristian's face with a shy feeling. Cristian then immediately went to the bathroom to clean his body before we would rest tonight.

The next morning I had to get up early to prepare breakfast for Cristian and his family. After getting married, Cristian and his family no longer allowed me to work at the hospital where I used to work.

''Good morning Jeniffer, it looks like the food you cooked is delicious.'' Cristian was complimenting me.

Not long after, Cristian's mother arrived and his two older sisters who were also still living in the house.

''If you are married, you have to be able to cook delicious food, dear, don't embarrass your family because you can't make delicious food in this house.'' Cristian's mother said in front of me.

I don't know why Cristian's mother treated me so differently after marriage. Before marriage, they were very kind to me.

After Cristian finished eating, he immediately said goodbye to me to go to work.

''Jeniffer, I'm going to work first. If you need anything at home, you can tell my mom or my older sister.'' Cristian said to me.

''Yes, dear, be careful on the road.'' I said as I led Cristian to the door of his house.

After Cristian left for the office, his mother came over to me.

''Jeniffer, I hope you can conceive a boy for us soon. After lunch, Cristian's mother and brother will go out, so you have to clean the house carefully. Don't let anything break or get damaged in this house.'' Cristian's mother said and went straight to her room.

I became upset after hearing what his mother just said. I'm Cristian's wife, why did they treat me like a mad in their house all this time. It turned out that their kindness at that time was a big lie. They really only wanted me to be able to give birth to a son for Cristian as a successor in the Bradley family.
