

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · ファンタジー
18 Chs


The next morning I woke up early to prepare breakfast for my husband before leaving for work. After my husband left, I started taking care of the housework while taking care of my beloved daughter.

Even though my mother-in-law and husband were unkind to me, at least there were still those who encouraged my life. I lived at home alone, because I wanted to take care of my daughter.

In the evening, my mother-in-law suddenly came to my house. My feelings began to feel uneasy, surely soon she would insult me again.

"Honey grandma is here." Said my mother-in-law who immediately entered the house without greeting me.

I tried to appreciate my mother-in-law's arrival by making tea for her.

"Oh yes Jeniffer, tonight I'm going with Cristian to the wedding of Annastasya, Cristian's cousin. You can stay at home and not come. I'm afraid if you bring two children, it'll be difficult there. Besides, you still look fat, so I don't want to embarrass the Bradley family. Later, if someone asks about your whereabouts, I'll say that you're sick. Please prepare your husband's nice clothes for his cousin's wedding tonight. I'll just go home now. Bye beautiful grandma's granddaughter." Said my mother-in-law who always insulted me.

It felt like my pride as Cristian's wife had been trampled on by my mother-in-law. If she wasn't my mother-in-law, I would have ripped her mouth off long ago.

Today my husband came home earlier than usual. Because today Cristian is going to his cousin Annastasya's wedding.

"Honey, here are some clothes for you to wear tonight to your cousin's wedding." I said as I gave the clothes to my husband.

"Thank you dear, so you just stay at home and take care of Michelle and Mellyza, after the event is over I go straight back home."

No wonder my mother-in-law forbade me to go to the wedding. It turned out that Cristian had secretly attended his cousin's wedding together with his mistress Stella. I don't know where his heart and mind are. How could they treat me so badly?

All this time I kept quiet and never responded to his treatment of me. But why the more I kept quiet, the more my self-esteem was trampled on.

At the wedding ceremony of my husband's cousin, my friend Jessica was there. Because of my friend Jessica, I finally found out that last night my husband had gone out with Stella, his ex-girlfriend.

Tringgggggg... The sound of my phone.

"Hello Jess, what's up?" I said, picking up the phone.

"Where are you Jeniffer, how come you didn't come to Cristian's cousin's wedding?" Jessica said, asking me where I was.

"I'm not coming Jess, I'm at home with the kids." I said to Jessica.

"Oh, sorry Jeniffer, I wanted to ask if your relationship with Cristian is still going well. Jessica said to me.

''Yes, why, Jess. I said, feeling curious.

''I just saw your husband here alone, with another woman Jeniffer, I thought it was you.'' Jessica said to me.

''You're not joking right jessica.'' I said to Jessica who couldn't believe that Cristian would do that to me.

Finally Jessica sent me a picture of my husband sitting alone with another woman. When I opened the photo, I couldn't believe that Cristian would do that to me. Even though my mother-in-law was there at the wedding.

They knew that I had just finished giving birth. The stitches on my stomach had still not dried but they had the heart to betray me.

At 3:00 am, Cristian had just returned from his cousin's wedding. After Cristian entered my room, I immediately showed him the photo that my friend Jessica had sent me.

''What does this mean? ????. Why did you have the heart to betray me Cristian. No wonder your mother told me not to go to the wedding. It turns out that her son is busy dating another girl. The wife is tired of taking care of the children, and the husband has the heart to have an affair with another woman. If you don't love me anymore, it's better to divorce me now.'' I said while beating my husband.

''Jeniffer listen to my explanation first, we have nothing to do. We were just sitting there together, don't misunderstand me.'' Said my husband who was beating himself up.

''Enough Cristian, I'm tired of your attitude now, you should think I'm tired at home taking care of the children, taking care of the house, until I don't have time to think about myself. I can't trust you anymore. You're so bad Cristian... huhuhuhu.'' I said while crying.

Suddenly, my daughter Michelle woke up from her bed because she heard us arguing.

''Why is Mommy crying? Daddy, why is Mommy crying? My daughter said innocently.

I immediately wiped away my tears because I didn't want my son to know what my husband had done. Finally, I went straight into my room and locked the door.

In the morning I still wanted to prepare breakfast for my husband. But I locked my mouth because I was still upset about the photo of my husband's intimacy with another woman.

It wasn't long before my husband left for work. I immediately cleaned up my house because the children were sleeping at home.

In the evening I took my children to go to the woman's house. Once at her house I tried knocking on her door.

The woman finally opened the door for me. I tried to ask her nicely what was the relationship with my husband all this time.

''You're Stella, my husband's ex-girlfriend. Why do you still like to bother my husband. You're a cheap woman. You don't know yourself. You know that Cristian is now married to me. Then why do you still want to tease my husband. I don't want to see you constantly teasing my husband. As a woman, you should know how I would feel if I saw my husband alone with another woman. While his wife is busy taking care of her child.'' I said with emotion.

''Who seduced Cristian, you better leave my house now, or I will call security to evict you from my house. You should take care of yourself so that your husband is not tempted by other women, now you leave my house.'' Stella said trying to chase me away.

''No need, I can go by myself. And remember my words, please don't bother my husband again....'' I said, warning Stella not to bother my husband again.

The next day Stella immediately told my husband that I had gone to his house and scolded him.

Tring.... Telephone voice.

''Huhuhu dear, just now your wife came to my house to insult me and get angry with me. I'm really upset with her right now. Please scold her later.'' Said Stella who was asking for a defense from my husband.

''Are you serious Stella? Let me scold my wife at home later. I'll go to work first." Cristian said, turning off his cell phone.

In the evening my husband came home from work at 9:00 pm. As soon as he got home he shouted my name.

''Jeniffer... Where are you? Cristian said while shouting for me.

"Why did you come home shouting for me, did you think I couldn't hear your voice? I said to Cristian.

PRAKKKKKKKKKKK..... Cristian immediately slapped me. Cristian was unhappy that I had sworn at Stella, his mistress.

''Why did you come to Stella's house and insult her? You heard Jeniffer, once you get angry at her, I will leave you. My husband said, defending Stella.

''Just keep defending that ignorant woman Cristian, you're bad.'' I said as I left Cristian in the living room.

I was very disappointed with the rude treatment Cristian had just done. I wanted to leave this house immediately. But I still feel sorry for the fate of my children later. I will try to keep my home for my two little daughters.
