
MY HUBBY PARK : Park Jimin

y/n and jimin a married couple..there wedding will long last or not?

jesmin_ · 若者
7 Chs

3.Daddy !?!?!

Y/n's pov]

We shopped alot for the wedding.. And now jimin went to buy flowers for me.. I'm too lucky to hve him as my fiance.. Wait a sec I've a silly idea on my mind let's do that huhha (laughed in her own idea )

Jimin : this for you my princess.. (Give sthe flower's)

Y/n:so beautiful.. Thank you daddy (in low voice)

Jimin:huh!? Did I hear something.. You wanna do that right now

Y/n:noh..no shhh (she pushes him lightly)

Jimin:I mean I'd have any problem (smirk)


Jimin:okay okay I'll take that later

Y/n:yeah yeah think that after our marriage

(looked away)

Jimin:I knew that after all after marriage you're only mine.. (Chuckled)

Y/n:can we go now Mr. Park

Jimin:yeah yeah mommy ( teasingly said)

Y/n:what!? (Slaps his shoulder playfully)

_____time skips_____

(Y/n pov)

I've spend alot of with him but it semmed like tomorrow and now today is our wedding.. I'm trying to do the things as he likes I'm getting ready ...


We've enjoyed the wedding of my cousin and perfomed dance and enjoyed too much..

***back to present***

"Knock knock "

Y/n:come in

Mom:y/n are you ready..Hurry up.. This girl..

Do hurry honey

Y/n:Mom do you think I'm taking the right decision

Mom:huh!?? Slaps at my head lightly don't act like drama

Y/n:huhahha (laughed) I just want make you smile. .. I'm ready can we go now?


----Time skips----

[Jimin's pov]

She's looking like a fairy with that icy blue gown.. And her sparkly eyes and her dark brown hair... Her smile.. Today is like my dream coming true..



[Y/n's pov]

He's looking handsome more then other day's.. The black suit , suits him the best.. His cute smile oh my heart melts for that


Jimin:Mrs.park you're looking gorgeous

Y/n:thankyou but Mr.park jimin I'm not park yet (chuckled) .. BTW your looking handsome today

Jimin:wdy mean I don't look handsome other day's.

Y/n:huh!? .. You know what I mean don't act

Jimin:(chuckled) are you ready Princess..

Y/n:yes I am..



Priest/minister: attention please everyone ,now were starting the ceremony.....miss y/n do you take Mr. Park jimin as your lawfull husband?

Y/n:yes i do

Priest:Mr.park jimin do you take miss y/n as your lawfull wife

Jimin: yes, yes I do

He looked in my eyes with love and respect


Priest: you may kiss your bride ..



He kissed me softly..

W enjoyed the whole functions and all

_____time skips_____

Mr. Park: don't you dare to hurt my daughtein law okay

Jimin:yes father I'll protect her

Mrs park:go home and give us good news

Jimin:(chuckled) ...

Mrs park:y/n let me know if he hurts you okay honey

Y/n:yes mom , (smiled)

______we went to our home ______

Note:let me tell you that y/n was from India and now she got married at South Korea and now she'll be living in Korea..****

I was about to enter the door

Jimin:wait wait.. I'll take you to our new home

Y/n:okay okay (chuckled) ...

Jimin:let go.. (Lift her in bridal style)