
My Hubby's

"I'm okay, Oppa. Thankfully, oppa can still survive like this. I'm sorry! Because of me, Oppa got involved like this." Kenkyo said while wrapping her arms around Kim Jae's stomach. Kim Jae smiled. It seems, the fish have started to enter the trap.

Mijun_123 · 都市
38 Chs

Bandits (III)

Kim Jae jumped into the air for a few seconds, then twisted his body, his feet landed in a twist on the four men's faces. Immediately the four men fell to the ground.

Kim Jae landed smoothly with his left knee on the ground and his right knee bent. Kim Jae's eyes shone sharply at the three men who started to get up again. Another man whose leg was shot by Kim Jae earlier, his movement was slower than his friends.

"If you guys are guys, take me one by one, Baka! Don't you dare play gangbang like a sissy!" murmured Kim Jae, using the story in Japanese.

Kim Jae masters various languages ​​from other countries, because he is Kim Jaerim's stray dog. Of course. He's just been ridiculous since Yoona left this world. Kim Jae now seems to be his old self, not a silly figure named Babe Jae. Currently he is Kim Jae, the stray dog ​​belonging to the Millennial Mafia.

One of them smiled disdainfully. He underestimated Kim Jae's arrogant attitude.

"Hmm, your strength is also okay, Mr. Foreigner. One on one, huh? That's okay," he said. The man seemed to have the highest position of them. He motioned for his three comrades to back off first, and they all complied.

The man threw his fist at Kim Jae's face.

Kim Jae backed away to dodge. The man was so annoyed, he threw his fists again several times, but only empty air he punched. Kim Jae repeatedly dodged.

"Hey, Foreign Master! Why do you keep dodging, huh?!" annoyed at the man, but Kim Jae didn't answer at all.

Kim Jae jumped sideways and backwards alternately, dodging the man's attack. He seems to have other plans.

After tens of times punching the air, the man's breath panted as the calm he concentrated in his hand seemed to evaporate in the air. Didn't hit the target at all.

Kim Jae smirked seeing his opponent gasping for air.


Just one protrusion from Kim Jae's hand, making the man stagger to the side.

"Damn you, Foreign Year! So you're deliberately dodging to tire me out, huh?!" shouted the man.

Kim Jae didn't answer, only his warm bogem landed right on the man's mouth in response.

"Fuck!" The man cursed.

The man threw his punch back at Kim Jae, but was again repelled.

Kim Jae twisted the arm that was about to punch him. The man complained to be released immediately.

Kim Jae slammed the man's body to the ground. Before the man could get up, Kim Jae had hit the man's head with his elbow. The man's body fell back.

Kim Jae had deliberately retreated to get closer to where Kenkyo was, leaving the other three men far behind.

While near Kenkyo, Kim Jae turned and approached Kenkyo.

"Get out of here, Chibi! Looks like I'll be with them for a long time," said Kim Jae. He still looked warily at all of his opponents.

"But ...." avoid Kenkyo. Although she didn't help much here, but she didn't want to leave her Uncle Kumiz alone, fighting all those scary bandits.

Kim Jae kissed Kenkyo's forehead gently, trying to reassure him. Kim Jae really intends to make his adopted son Kensuke lulled by him. Truly a great playboy.

"Calm down, Chibi! I'll be fine. You go and seek help from Yamada or the others, okay?" Kim Jae breaks, it's undeniable.

A second later, Kenkyo left the arena. Run as fast as you can to call for help. Unfortunately, her cellphone was left under the cherry tree earlier. So, Kenkyo had to find a payphone soon.

But unfortunately, Kim Jae doesn't realize that two other men are following Kenkyo.


Someone hit Kim Jae's neck. Two of the others joined in. Apparently, the man Kenkyo hit earlier also got up at this time. Bad people are very hard to die.

The three bandits immediately attacked Kim Jae without stopping. It seems they did not heed Kim Jae's request earlier, which asked for 'one on one'.

Many times Kim Jae was able to dodge, until....


One hit escapes, which makes Kim Jae's nose bleed.

"You bastards!" shouted Kim Jae. He punched the three men back.


The three men were lying on the ground. However, one of them managed to get up and grab Kim Jae, locking Kim Jae's hands behind his back.

The other two beat Kim Jae non-stop. Kim Jae's face was covered in blood. Kim Jae is still outnumbered. His body fell to the ground, near the wall.

However, Kim Jae remembered his previous goal. He had to be able to protect the Takahashi girl, to gain her sympathy. Thankfully, Kim Jae will become Takahashi's son-in-law later. Thinking of that made Kim Jae laugh out loud.

Kim Jae wants to marry a girl who is the same age as his son. For the sake of revenge. Revenge will indeed lead to another revenge.

Kim Jae uses the wall to help him up. The three men in suits surrounded him.

Even though Kim Jae's vision is blurry, he will survive. Kenkyo must have been waiting for him somewhere.

Kim Jae only needs to clean up the five men, and follow Kenkyo.

Kim Jae lunged and hit alternately the faces of the three men who did not make any preparations.

Kim Jae found a large block of wood on the side of the road, then hit the wood on the three men's heads. He's not carrying any weapons at the moment. So, he used the wooden block as a weapon.

After all, Kim Jae is on an undercover mission right now, isn't he? If he showed his ruthlessness, it was certain that Kenkyo wouldn't be impressed by him. So, Kim Jae will fight manly like this, he thought.

The three men in suits fell hard after Kim Jae beat them with the big wood he found earlier.

Without Kim Jae knowing, one of the men got up and smashed his head into Kim Jae's stomach.

The wood that was the only weapon for Kim Jae flew away from him.

Kim Jae's body was thrown far away and hit the wall, ending up falling on the ground. He groaned in pain on the ground.

The man with the spiky hair just stomped on the back of Kim Jae who was already helpless ruthlessly.


On the other hand, Kenkyo was running away from the pursuit of two other men.

Kenkyo turned into an alley. But damn, it's a dead end. The two men in their 40s smirked.

"Where else are you going, Little Girl?" One of them spoke with a hideous grin.

Kenkyo tried to stay calm.

"Not going anywhere, Uncle."

Kenkyo approached the two uncles earlier, making both of them ready.


Kenkyo hit one of the uncles in the eye with the hand that had the ring on his middle finger. Kyosuke's gift ring. Not an engagement ring, just an ordinary gold ring.

Kenkyo purposely aimed the ring right at the dark-skinned uncle's eyes.

"Aakkkh, my eyes!" groaned the uncle while holding one of his bloody eyes.

Not accepting his friend being treated like that, another uncle pushed Kenkyo until Kenkyo's back hit a power pole. So hard.

Kenkyo groaned in pain. She held her back. But right now, there was no time to complain. Kenkyo got up, was about to throw his fists at the uncles before....


The other bandit hit Kenkyo's neck hard.

Kenkyo's body fell and hit the ground. Kenkyo immediately fainted from the hard hit on the nape of the neck earlier.

"Quickly bring her to the mansion!" command one of them. The long-haired uncle carried Kenkyo's tiny body, like he was carrying a sack of rice.


The two men who brought Kenkyo earlier had arrived at the place of the three comrades. They invite their companions to leave because their prey has been found.

Not far from them, Kim Jae is still lying. In the dim, Kim Jae saw Kenkyo's body drooping, resting on the shoulder of one of the men earlier.

Kim Jae glanced sharply at the five cruel humans. He got up and ran to them. Kim Jae slammed a fist that he had been holding back for a long time.

He beat the rancid man who brought Kenkyo all out. Sweat dripped from Kim Jae's forehead.

The man fell on the ground near Kim Jae's feet. Automatically Kenkyo also fell from the man's shoulder, and rolled on the paved ground.

The five men helped their friend up and asked how he was. The man who was beaten so badly by Kim Jae just now turned out to be their leader. No wonder it made the other four men more focused on the leader.

Kim Jae used that opportunity to lift Kenkyo's small body and sit him near a power pole.

"Hold on, Chibi!" Kim Jae pleaded which of course Kenkyo couldn't hear.

Kim Jae glared at the five people who were still standing around him. Kim Jae's breath was getting louder because of the fight earlier. However, he still had to face those five people.

The man in the black vest stepped forward, trying to hit Kim Jae. However, Kim Jae managed to avoid it.

Kim Jae threw his fists brutally at the faces of five men who had the heart to hurt the woman he was targeting.

Kim Jae must finish this soon, and get a confession from Takahashi as soon as possible.

After a few minutes of dealing with the boys, Kim Jae started to feel exhausted. His five opponents were already lying on the ground. Kim Jae's knee fell to the ground. Kim Jae's breath hitched.

Some of the men had started to rise again. One of them ran up to Kim Jae and kicked Kim Jae in the face who was still standing using his knee.

Kim Jae who didn't have any preparations stumbled and fell to the ground, curled up on the asphalt.

Blood dripped from Kim Jae's nose and lips which were torn off until it seeped onto the paved ground. Kim Jae's body seemed to have no energy in the morning. Kim Jae's eyes began to blur, everything around him seemed to have a shadow.

A man who was tallest among them, walked towards Kim Jae who had fallen face down on the ground. He was the one who was beaten badly by Kim Jae, as if he was going to teach Kim Jae a lesson he deserved.

The man took the wooden block that was near his feet. He pounded the wooden block into his left hand.

"It took you too long to give it up? You damn foreigner!" shouted the man.


To be continued ....